Let's See What Happens Next

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Chapter III

Let’s See What Happens Next

"Lads, we need to talk." Liam stated.

"Are you okay, Liam?" Niall asked uneasily.

Liam nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry; I'm not under the effects of the arrow."

I let out a breath, I didn't know I was holding in.... we seem to be doing that a lot lately.

"What do you want to talk about, Liam?" Louis asked whilst sitting on the edge of the bed. We didn't miss how Liam's breath hitched. 

"Um, can you guys please try to keep your distance?" Liam asked.

"Um, yeah, sure," Louis said with a hurt face and awkwardly moving from the bed.

"Thanks," Liam said with a small sad smile. Zayn wrapped an arm around Louis' shoulders.

"Um, I wanted to tell you guys.... well you see..... um, y'know how Cupid said this was only going to last a month, right? Well, I wanted to tell you guys..... I'm leaving."

"WHAT?!" We all chorused/yelled, which caused Liam to visibly flinch.

"Only for a month," Liam assured.

"Oh! Why didn't you say that earlier? It makes everything so much better!" I screamed with pure sarcasm. Liam shot me an unimpressed look.

I sigh and ran a hand through my curly locks, "You're not leaving, Liam. You're not going through this alone."

"Don't you see it, Harry? I am going through this alone. You’re not the one going through the effects of a horny arrow! I can barely stand being this close to you without wanting to rip your clothes off and ride you!"

I'm pretty sure we all blushed at that.

“We understand, Liam,” Louis said.

“No! No, you don’t! None of you do,” Liam whispered the last part. Liam looked so confused and scared that I just wanted to go over there and embrace him a hug, but I couldn’t. Liam brought his legs to his chest and rested his chin on his knees and wrapped his free arm around his legs. (A/N: Heat Attack just came on! Owww! xD)

“I’m scared,” Liam admitted,” I can’t control my feelings or actions, I feel so vulnerable and exposed. I can’t look at you without noticing all your flaws, features and qualities. You’re flaws make you even more amazing and unique. It feels like I’m a scientist and I just made a discovery, four beautiful discoveries. I just want to study you, know everything about you. My senses are more alert. I can see you better. The tiniest freckle on your cheek, I can see it from here, Louis. I can smell you better, like you Zayn, you just smoked. I don’t know maybe three hours ago? You tried to cover it up with your favorite cologne, which has a musk of ‘Bad Boy’ aurora around it, according to the box. I can feel you better, like when Harry touched my cheek. He uses a moisturizing to hydrant dry skin.  He also has a little scar at the bottom of his index finger. I noticed, well more like felt, how his fingertips are printed in an oval shape. I can hear you better, like when Niall read the note Cupid left, his Irish accent travel through the wall and into my ears.  That’s why I need to get away from you. When I’m not close to you, I feel like I can breathe, but it also feels like I lost a purpose to live- well, not to the point that I’ll commit suicide, but still.  I know Cupid said not to leave me alone but please,” Liam finished with a pleading look.

We all just stared at Liam, with our jaws on the floor.

“How- how did you know Cupid told us not to leave you alone?” Niall asked gobsmacked.  

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