Ain't Nobody Got Time for That!

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Chapter IV

Ain't Nobody Got Time for That!

Ain't nobody got time for that!

Well I woke up to get me a cold pop then I thought someone was barbe-

Ughhh! Five more minutes! I

slammed my hand on the alarm. I'm so tired, my mind I let out a little giggled at

the song. That's why I chose that song, it always bring me in a good mood.

"Awww look at him giggle!

Isn't he cute? No wonder Liam loves him," an excited feminine voice


"Holy shit!" I said as

I fell off bed from the fright. "Oww," I complained as I grabbed my

head where it had suffered the impact of the floor.

"See what you did Cassie?

You scared him and he hit his head!"

"Hey! Not my fault Hannah!

He looked so cute!" Cassie (hope that's her name) squealed.

"It is your fault Cassie!

Why you gotta be so loud?!" Hannah (I assumed) said.

"HA!" Cassie outburst causing me to jump

a little from the floor, "Says that girl that's so hyper she practically

invented the word!"

"I did invent the word

you idiot."

"No, you invented the word hyperactive, you


Hannah threw her hands up in the

air before going to glare at Cassie. "Are you stupid or do you pretend to

be? It's the same thing you brainless prick!"

"If it were the same thing,

don't you think-"

"Hey..... umm,  excuse

me..... hello!" They

didn't even spare me a glance. I let out a sigh of annoyance; no one and I

mean no one ignores

The Sass Masta from Doncasta. Time to put these girls their place. I got up

from the floor and crossed my arms.

"Hey... hey.... HEEEEEEEY!!!" I

screamed, uncrossing my arms. They immediately stopped their bickering and turn

their eye sight towards me.

"Enough, already! I'm

sure this story is very interesting, but if you'll excuse me, I need to shove a

carrot in my eardrum so I can tolerate you." I sassed before turning on my

heel and going toward the door, totally dismissing the fact that I'm leaving

two teenage girls that I don't know in my room.

Suddenly one of the girls

screamed my name, "Louis wait! We're here to warn you!"

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