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" hey are you going to the Holloween party friday night?" i looked up to see Apollo at my locker clearly wanting me to say yes. "UMMM LET ME THINK. yea no." thats when my dear dear bestie decides to tag team me with Apollo into roping me into going, yet again to another party. "PLEASEEE!!!!! how many times do i have to say im sorry for the last party incident!!!? THAT WAS LIKE TWO MONTHS AGO!!" i just laguhed to mself and walked away to class. "you abandond me. i had no where to go!" i looked back at her doing the puppy dog face. not. gonna. work. "yeah but the uh Amazing Apollo steped up and help your little damsil in distress self. now didnt he?" raising a smug eyebrow he knew he had me there. i turned bacll to look at him. "yea but that doesnt count really" i sighed. admitting defeat. "plus i dont even have a costume idea. what are yall going as?" i looked at diane. probably a hippie. " actually this is why we NEED you to come." smiling she said "WERE GOING AS POTTERHEADS" gahh my weakness.. "ok but im a Slytherin. filthy mudblood" i looked at apollo, raising an eyebrow. he smiled and said "im going as a Slytherin to. its my house. gotta rep the best ya know" he winked and laughed. and then said "i have voldemorts wand and Malfoys i just dont know which one to use. do you have one?" i laughed. "well obviously the best wand ever. the Elder Wand. thats right bask in the glory of my awesomeness" the bell rang so we went into the class and begain to "learn"


we were all at my house getting ready, me and Apollo in Slytherin robes and Diane in her Gryffindor robes. "this better be an actual costume party and not a Halloween party were 'we're to cool to wear lame costumes'." I looked up at Diane, "well..... I mean why wouldn't it be a costume party?" that's it. im not going. I was about to take off my robe when Apollo came next to me and put a hand on my arm mid robe-take-off. "don't. please go in costume with us?" he did a really cheesy smile then said "ill love you foreeeeeeeverrrrrr. pretty please? pwetty ppwetty pwetty pweety pwease with wittle cherries on top?" Apollo baby version... to say my heart melted a little would be an understatement.


"but, if its not a costume party you owe me big time. both of you." I grabbed my keys and walked down the hall. "now hurry along little mudbloods were going to be late."


party was in full swing by the time we got there. kids not so dry humping in the front lawn and more throwing up near them. yep. "I see a bunch of jocks in togas and sluts- I mean cheerleaders bunny costumes? whatever small animal costumes that makes their sluty-ness really show." Apollo's description of the girls really hit spot on. another thing I like about him. not that I like him that much. like friend like. purely platonic. we headed into the house and right away it went up ten degrees with the mass amount of sweaty hormonal teens dry humping each other on the dance floor, we headed to the kitchen to get a drink. Diane got a beer and me and Apollo got a Smirnoff each. green apple. yum.

Diane instantly disappeared into the crowed and we were suddenly surrounded by the skank squad. head skank all on Apollo like an underfeed flea ridden mutt on a leftover chicken bone. bitch. "UM ESCUSE ME!" that should get her attention. she looked my way with disgust, well the feelings mutual slut face. "if you could get your chlamydia ridden hands and herpes infested crotch away from me and Apollo I would greatly appreciate it" smiling sweetly I grabbed Apollo's arm and left the kitchen to go out back with a six pack of Smirnoff in my hand. we went onto the back patio and I sat on the bench near the koi pond. "aww I want a koi pond, but I don't know how to get one." Apollo started laughing and just looked at me like I was on crack. I looked back at him "dude im being serious I want a frickin koi pond." I started laughing to because after I just told of the skank squads head bitch here I am talking about my lack of koi fish problems.

I grabbed another bottle and drank more than half of it in two sittings. "what im thirsty and being a bitch is some hard work. he3 laughed and grabbed another bottle and opened it and we clinked bottles. "so why so hostile towards McKenzie?" my head jerked up at the sound of her name. surprised Apollo asked me that. "uhh I don't really know, I just hate her guts and want to gouge her eyes out ya know?" I mean. its partly true, but I know why. she's a bitch and has made my life hell ever since the day we met. and her all over Apollo acting like he was her property like she already owned him, that he was nothing more but a conquest and the bonus prize was hurting me. I was in deep shit when it came to Apollo. ill get over it. I cant get close to another guy anyways. I learned my lesson after landon. another reason to hate bitch face.

I was already three and half bottles down when I realized we had ran out of alcohol. "ill e back with more drinks, kay?" I left Apollo by the koi pond and headed back into the kitchen. I had got to the fridge and grabbed four more Smirnoff's when I heard this loud booming laugh. unforgettable. so I hurried and ran out to the pond and popped a bottle and quickly drinks. and kinda staggered and fell into my chair. five drinks down. and im also not the best at holding my alcohol. "I started laughing and looked at Apollo. I leaned over to him and started giggling. like the drink typical girl kind. I leaned in and whispered "im kinda drunk right now. shhhh.dont tell Landon or he'll..." I started giggling again. god being drunk is so. much. fun. Apollo looked at me weirdly "who's Landon Skye?" oh shit how do you know who that is? "because you just told me." oh double shit am I talking out loud? '' uhh yeah. you are. hey you okay? get up lets go find Diane"

I tried to get up but my head started hurting and my stomach was churning and I felt dizzy. I flopped back down and Apollo grabbed me and pulled me up and went to go walk off but thankfully caught me just in time as the ground suddenly became closer and closer to my face. then it was all dark.


HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! soooooo sorry i took like FOREVER to do this its just i have personal stuff going on right now so im like neglecting everything!!! but i got on here and was like you know what! ill write this incredibly small and pathetic chapter even if it kills me!!!! sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes. hope you enjoy and if you like it or have suggestions or want to fangirl over how amazing Apollo is in Slytherin house then please. do go on and drop that comment down below and like it!! remember you can message or comment at me and i will respond. again so freaking sorry for the delay. but  JEEZ Skye and parties just don't match huuh. but more importantly... WHOS LANDON? DUN DUNN DUNNNNN

any who i hope you enjoy and i will definitely try to upload within the month!!! i need ideas! i need inspiration!!! bye love all you crazy people!!!! -kate

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2013 ⏰

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