what happens in the appartment stays in the appartment. period.

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hey guys!! im back!!!!! sorry for the wait :/ but im busy with school and grades and homework and after school activities and im just really busy!!!!!!!! but yea here it is.


When I got to Apollo’s apartment I was pretty shocked.  It was like those industrial warehouse flats, it was big a spacious but there was no walls. It was very nice though. He had a kitchen set up near the door with a table and then to the right against the wall was a big king size bed, across from that was like the living room area where two leather couches sat in front of the flat screen TV. Of course there was an Xbox and just about every game imaginable, to the right of the living room the whole back wall was like a studio kinda all over the wall where drawings and pictures and photos. There were some easels with unfinished paintings on them and a big desk that had sketchbooks all over it with a bunch of art supplies.

It was amazing I can’t believe he lives here by himself and is such a fanatic with art. The paintings were breath taking, beautiful and the pictures just were magnificent . Apollo went to the fridge and grabbed a can of root beer, barg's… my favorite. He chucked one at me and I caught it with ease. I went and sat down at the table with him just drinking  my root beer in a kinda awkward silence looking out the windows. “so uh you wanna play a board game? I mean im kinda bored and I don’t have cable so TVs out..” I smiled, was he seriously asking if I wanted to play a boardgame?  He probably only has like battleship. “sure what games do you have?” I couldn’t help but laugh a little, he looked at me with a frown saying “men can have board games to you know” I smiled again. Funny how im doing that a lot more often around him.

Apollo got up and went to his book shelves, and there was like a dozen different games on them. “ok I have monopoly, life, risk, connect four, clue, scene it, and battleship.” I almost fell out my chair when he said Battleship, but I did end up choking on my soda, rootbeer burns a lot worse than anyother soda when it goes up your nose. “uhh I want to play Risk, its my favorite game.” He smiled like a little kid on Christmas morning when I said that, and immeaditly got up and ran over to the kitchen table and put the game board out and we set up the pices.

Risk is the world conquest game. The board is a amp of the world and you pick what color army you want, like I always get the blue army…well because theyre blue, theres nothing different from the blue army or green or yellow, pink, black, or white for that matter. Its just colors. Once you got your army theres a deck of cards and each one has a single country on them and then you split the deck and what country you have on the cards is what countries you can put your army on. I always aim to get south America and Africa, because when you have those countries you the go from africas one port in asia, and you go all along southern Asian until you get to the austrailian port and the you go in and take austrailia and then go up north along east asia and the you move most of your troops to central asia and then you go to the asain pot to north America which is Alaska and you slowly go  aouth and you troops in south America go north and you meet in central north America and the go to Canada to go to the quebec port to Iceland which leads to britan which leads to Europe and then your army meets with the Asian army and you win. Well that’s my strategy and it always works. When you go to battle another armey you have to role the dice and get a bigger number than the defender to win. Its kinda complicated but ive been playing this since I was like6 or 7 with my dad when I used to live with him.

Three hours and several rootbeer cans and bags of chips later, I won the game. Apollo being the little boy he is got upset and said I cheated, “I always win this game ALWAYS, you cheated man I swear you did, just admit it and ill be fine and we can leave this all behind us.” See, little boy. “ I didn’t cheat Pollo, C’mon be a man stop being a sore loser, which you are. A loser!!” laughing at his expression I got up and threw the trash away.

“hey got any good movies?" "depends on what your taste is, i dont have romcoms if thats what your asking." i looked at him "what the hell, RomComs? uhhh no one calls them that anymore....actually i dont think anyone ever did." he looked like a deer caught in the headlights. I smiled "so Apalla what's your favv romcom? dear john? ohh! the notebook? or, Both!?" I dies laughing on the floor making weird walrus noises because of the lack of air I had, his face! "OH MY GOD! YOUR FACE HAHA IM DYING AHHA YOU FACE ITS SO HILAR- UMFF" what a little kid! he threw a pillow at me! and for what! I didn't do anything! "jerk" I stuck my tongue out and turned around to sit on the floor.

he scooted closer to me, and leaned in saying "I cant believe how just a few days ago we were at each others throats and now your here, were here, in my apartment playing games and joking around. it astounds me that you are even here." I looked up at him, "I doesn't astound me though it makes sense, you showed me part of who you really are and I liked that, but what I don't get is why are you acting like this? I mean im nothing special" I looked down. and laughed "hell im not even close." 

I got up and finished cleaning up the mess. "um hey im tired so can I just crash on the couch?" Apollo went over to the frodge and grabbed a water and took a long drink before answering me. "im sleeping on the couch, you can have the bed." he walked away and got an extra pillow and blanket and laid the stuff down on the couch and came back over to his dresser, "here is some basket ball shorts and a tshirt there to big but the shorts have a drawstring, the bathrooms over there so you can go change." i grabbed the cloths and went to change. as i gatherd up my stuff to go out i saw that he already changed and sleeps in nothing but a pair of shorts, leaving me a nice view of his well sculpted chest an abs... and a little more if you know what i mean.

i wen over to the bed and put my stuff on the floor and went to go laydown and he turned out the lights and layed down on the couch. kind of laid down. the middle of his calf down to his feet were hanging off the edge and he kept tossing and turning and making tse grunting sounds. so i finally got up and went over to him, 'get up. im sleeping here your like halfway off the friggin couch!" he rolls over and is frowning like a little kid, "no i'm a big boy i can handle it, plus im not making a lady sleep on the couch or the floor. so if i screw up my back so be it!" i cant help but smile a little "how chivalrous, fine compromise. you sleep in the bed with me. its a king sized bed and im like half of a twin." he smiled and jumped of the coch and ran to face plant on one side of the bed. 

i walked over and laid down facing the otter way, trying to calm my breathing down. i was feeling erratic and Apollo being in the bed with me did not help the situation. "i feel werid...no offense. its just strange to have a girl that hates me in my bed.." i turned around frowning at him. '' theres a thin line between love and hate Apollo,  plus just think of me as your sister or something." his eyes got darker and some emotion was flavoring intensely in his gaze he scooted closer to me almost nose to nose. and whispered "but i don't want to do this to my sister." before i could think anything he closed the gap. kissing me softly, his hand going up and cupping my cheek.

i finally got a clear head and did something i thought id never see myself doing. kissing him back. our lips in synchronized rhythm, fireworks and electricity running throughout my body and mind. finally we broke apart . trying to calm my now very erratic heartbeat. i look into his eyes and i see something meaningful. im not sure what. but then he says in a low voice. "ive been wanting to do that since you first called me an asshole" smiling he pecks me on my lips waiting for my response. "im glad you did." i smile back. what the hell is going on.he looks at me and says something way unexpected. "umm would it be ok if i asked you out? like as a uh girl friend thingy...uh yea.." he coughed  at the end. clearly embarrassed. i look up at him " have you ever asked a girl out before?'' he looks at me with a sad expression. "yes but it didn't end well." 

i look up at him. i want to say yes so bad but i cant ut myself in danger like the last time. i vowed not to do that again. a tear sliding down my cheek i say "im sorry but i cant put my heart at risk again. i would love to. can we still just be friends...please?" im still crying softly tears running down my face. god i dint even know him that long. what was happening. why was i like this. i felt like i can really trust him, and thats just it. i can really trust him. so whats wrong? 

he wipes away my tears and kisses my lips one more time and says "yes" with a small smile. and the next thing i know im drifting off


here it is guys!!!!!!!!!!!! lol i hope you enjoy!!!!! please vote comment and fan!!!!! those who comment i will review their stories and pomote them

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