Great idea...Not

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looking at my closet in despair, i realized something 'why the hell do i care what i wear to a dumb party i don't want to go to?' oh yea i remember now because if i dress like a prude Diane will kill me, if i look like a slut I will kill ME. so here i am thirty minutes till Diane comes to pick me up and I'm standing in my robe, with not a clue of a decent outfit. making a rash decision i choose some skinnies and a paramore Tee and some black Chucks and I'm good to go. now just a little bit a eyeliner and off i go to this stupid party! note the sarcasm.

we pulled up to the house- OK more like a block away from the house but you can hear the thump of the bass from the music pouring out the huge house, "ugh this sucks i want to go home by midnight the latest!" event though its ten-thirty right now. she turned to look at me with that damn pout face of hers. UGHH! "fine you hoe bag." shooting her my meanest glare, or really trying to but the look on her face is like you just gave her a puppy and a year pass to Universal on Christmas morning.

"lets hit the road hoe-bag" i flashed my cheesiest grin i could, can someone say fake enthusiasm? we took her car due to the fact that i did not feel like driving and maybe due to the fact that i somehow 'misplaced' my keys i swear they where in my bag after i DROVE home. great where already here. i can just imagine Pinhead coming to great us at the front door and saying "WELCOME TO HELLWORLD!" and then manically laughing at out stupidity. smiling at that thought, i saw Diane looking at me like a was crazy..well not completely false. "why are you smiling?" i looked at her and debated on telling her about my little hellworld idea, knowing she hated those movies. "OK i was laughing because im like i can totaly imagine Pinhead welcoming us at the door and saying "WELCOME TO HELLWORLD" and then laughing evilly." i beamed at her. her face is just blank, either from shock i just thought that or the audacity i had for referencing a party where going to looks like the Hellworld party. probably both, she looked well um how do you say? scared shitless because of my movie reference i looked at the house, it does look allot like the house from the movie. i leaned in and whispered in here ear "where do you think the cube is Diane? OH LOOK! there's Pinhead!" I'm way too mean, but that's payback for dragging me to this damn party.

"lets go, or are you afraid?" i walked off going up to the door i turned around waiting for Diane but i bumped into her. wow i guess i really did scare her, i felt kinda bad, then when we walked in she ditched me so not that bad. going over to the fridge i reached in and grabbed a Smirnoff and when to the couch to sit down and wait for twelve thirty to show up.


about five Smirnoff's later as well as two hours and thirty minutes i got up to look for Diane and couldn't find her anywhere in the house. i went out the back yard to get some fresh air and laid down on one of the pool lounge chairs. and closed my eyes for a while enjoying the cool night breeze the next thing i know i feel someone throw a bottle cap at my face and i look up disgusted at the sight. Apollo. sighing to my self i asked "what do you want?" he looked at me an just shrugged "i don't want anything really just came out here for some fresh air, but what are you doing out here, Ice-queen?" he looked curious and i have no clue why I'm no one special really. :the  same thing as you are POLLO. and why the need for fresh air? what screwed some slut and now you ditched her because you got what you wanted and shes looking for you?"

i laid back down closing my eyes, ugh i can feel him staring at me. "no actually i got bored, and for your information i did not screw some slut. everyone here is uninteresting to me. why are you even here? you done seem the party goer type." i sighed again, damn this must be my new catch phrase. "I'm not, i hate parties the only reason I'm here is because of Diane and the reason i haven't left is because we took her car and shes off somewhere getting more drunk." i got up to leave but then he followed me. "where are you going?" without turning to look back at him i replied "leaving ill just walk home its not that far away the drives ten minutes plus i need to get fully sober. why?" he came to get in front of me blocking my way. "ill give you a lift i only drank half a beer, I'm not really the getting drunk as a skunk type. C'mon" he pulled me towards his, motorcycle. oh gee umm lets think about this uhh No way in hell I'm getting on that with him.

"you out of your mind if you think I'm going to get on that with YOU" he smirked handing me his helmet and putting it on my head and adjusting the strap for me. "come on your not scared are you?" i looked at him "no I'm not, lets go i live off of brackridge." he chuckled "oh now do you? i live there too." i hate my life. he started up the engine and we where off. heading the the complete opposite direction as to where 'we' live.

we finally came to a stop in the Taco Bell parking lot. " what are you doing?" i got off the bike and he just looked at me like I'm some kinda of idiot. "uhh getting some Tacos? i don't know about you but I'm starving and i want a crunch wrap and a Doritos locos taco with a MT.Dew" i chuckled slightly. he looked at me "whats so funny Ice-queen?'' "nothing its just, that's my usual order when i come here, which is allot" he smile and went to go open the door and actually held it open for me. and with a mock British accent he said "after you my queen" "wow thank you kind buffoon" i smiled cheekily at him before going up to the cash register and ordering a crunch wrap and a Doritos locos taco and a MT.Dew, he came up behind me and ordered the same. i went to pull out my wallet and he shoved my hand away and paid for our food, and he ushered me to a nearby booth. i looked at him "why did you do that? im perfectly capable of paying for my own food, i do have money too you know. he let out a small chuckle, "i know. i just don't let Lady's pay for things when I'm with them, its my inner gentlemen comes out. i looked at him curiously, "hmmm, fine with me, hey its free food!" he laughed again and our food came so we started eating.

after we were done we walked outside and then he led me over to a little park, and we sat down on a grass hill looking off in the distance. it was silent but not all awkward like i would think. it was comfortable and quite calming. i looked at him, he was just staring off into the distance a look of wonderment shown in his eyes. maybe i got him all wrong, he is something else.


IM SORRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! its a crap chapter and a filler but Ive been really busy with school starting soon and I'm helping my sister with her summer assignment for an essay which she begged me to help her with.. or rather do and its really long and a bore of a task and Ive just been all over the place with everything going on so think of this as part 1?? part 2 will be posted later on I'm leaving for a friends and wont be back till sat so maybe wed the latest???

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