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soo i have one of my close friends reading it and shes also a character so this is dedicated to Diane!!!! my applesauce loving weirdo! <3333


it was finally Friday. meaning that the weekend is just a few hours away and the back to school party that's annually thrown every year at some blockhead jocks house or a bimbo cheerleaders. but every ones invited so its pretty fun. well no the hangovers and puking but i rarely get drunk due to the fact i don't go to parties unlike every other high school student on the planet. cramped bodies of unknown males and people all up against you isn't a fun experience for me. but it was lunch and Diane was begging me to go to that damn party with her since Lance was home sick and she had no one to go with. ugh i don't want to go! "pleaseeeeeeee ill do anything ANYTHING i swear!'' hmmmm interesting very interesting... heaving a loud over dramatic sigh i agreed. "you owe me and i will collect" i looked her straight in the eye making sure she got what i meant.


when art rolled around i was happy to get on my assignment for the class. A here i come. art is like the only class that i always get an A in. and my outlet to let my emotions flow through and not be bottled up inside of me. walking up to me station and grabbing my needed supplies i sat down patiently wait for ms. Healy to come in and assign our partners to us. hopefully they be halfway decent. one can hope ehh? she went on reading names, then finally she got down to me. "Skyler and Apollo." Are you serious? i cant believe i got partnered with HIM of all people in this class its the one person who I hate. when i asked to be paired up with someone who didn't hate me i didn't mean pair me up with someone i hate. jeez the universe does hate me.

oh dear god here he comes. 'just be polite don't let him get to yo its what he wants' "hey you must be pretty good to be partnered up with me." he smirked down at me while taking his seat right next to me, rather to close to me for my liking. "so shall we start? this slow and pain full experience." mumbling the last part to myself i needed to not let him know he gets under my skin. god forbid me from kill him. he gave a short laugh and got his sketch pad out and some sketch pencils.

" so who should go first, i would say the most good looking but I'm not exactly sure, if i look better than you?" he smirked at me, then went back to getting his supplies out. if hes modeling he wont talk, in that case ill just take extra long. smiling i said " you model ill sketch, OK?" he turned to face me and made this face. "hmmm which way should i pose? i mean i have no bad side after all and my jaw line is pretty angelic in any which way, so?" i could've slapped him. he looked at me and started laughing, probably at my dumbfounded expression and the fact that my jaw probably hit the floor at how openly vain he is. "don't worry Skye I'm not some douche who cares only about looks" he looked partially sincere, but the smirked told me otherwise. "oh really now? i bet that pretty face of yours wouldn't look so good if say, i don't know, i punched your vain selfrightous ass? which side would be better? since they all look good, why not all of them?" snorting at him a grabbed my sketch book and supplies out of my messenger bag.

" just sit straight and look at the wall behind me." he did as i said looking a bit taken aback by my mood switch suddenly. i started drawing his outline and then went on to the structure of his jaw, this only being from the shoulders up this is the center of the picture basicly, it sets how everything else comes out. i started looking at him and i noticed he wasnt smirking, he had a blank face like wiped completely of emotion. looking more at him in detail, i noticed how his skin is soft looking and smooth but it still makes him look like he has an edge to him. his jawline is perfectly angelic and is very strong, also his eyes oh his eyes are endless pools of a Sapphire ocean. so hypnotizing and its like hes staring at your soul through a quick glance. his hair is this perfect black/brown color, the way he styles it, slightly tousled but yet its perfect for him.

he looked down at me smirking slightly, by catching me looking at him. OK well full blown checking him out but who cares. "you do'in good on the sketch?" i looked down, so far its his outlined upper body and his jawline/neck area. i haven't even started on his hair or eyes or face for that matter. ugh I'm screwed. " uhm yea just go back to posing i need to outline" i said while drawing his lips and his eyes in greater detail then adding his hair. i couldn't get it exactly right but this was a rough sketch ill add detail next class, he still needs to sketch me. "OK I'm mostly done i just need to detail it, but you can sketch me now." i posed in the same postion as him and i could feel his burning stare on me as his blue orbs just trailed all over my face. "are you almost done?" i asked him so not in the mood for his bull. "yea ice-queen, chill out babe." he flashed me that damn smirk! ugh I'm so going to kill him, but i don't want to go to jail so scratch that idea. "whatever hurry up the bells gonna ring in a few minutes and we have to meet up over the weekend to finish this stupid assignment." as if on cue the bell rang, releasing the kids from this prison. "see you later, ill text you where to meet up with me babe." he walked away before i could punch is pretty boy face.

walking to my locker i spun the dial opening it up and depositing a few things and taking out my notebook and english book, and went outside to meet Diane so we could go to the kafe and then go home to get ready for that damn party! stupid lance had to get sick leaving me to "have" to go with Diane to this dumb party. "hey you bum! ready to partayy!?" she looked like she just got done snorting pixxie stix's, i looked at her  and said "No." her face fell and then i felt bad instantly, "ugh OK I'm sorry you know i hate party's and I'm just fed up with stupid Apollo and that bitch-queen McKenzie . like seriously kill me now!" she looked at me with a weird expression. "whats wrong? you look like i just took a pipe out, put a rock in it, and lit it up?" she looked like she was about to explode. "what the hell was that!? your pipe? rock? so your on crack now ehh?" i smiled knowing i got her back from the mood she was in. "n c'mon where here you loser."

i walked in to see none other than Apollo behind the counter wearing the uniform. "kill. me. now." i turned to Diane knowing she owed me and she wasn't getting out of this. "your going to show him around. why you ask? because I'm-" fake cough*"sick" smiling sweetly she knew what i was talking about. "oh you little whore! no way. not a chance in hell, your suffering" i looked at her." na uh hu you 'owe' me one remember. now I'm going to tell her that I'm calling in sick and adios."  i walked over to the owner and she introduced us not knowing we already met. "oh Skyler this is Apollo and likewise." she smiled sweetly at him and he looked ummm not like a douche i guess but I'm getting the hell out of here. "uh I'm sorry but I'm not feeling good i think i caught something in school and Diane had agreed to show uh Apollo the ropes of the kafe but i think i need to go home a rest it might be contagious." smiling again at her she looked concerned " why yes dear go on home its OK well be fine here." i walked away and put my apron up and went to turn around to go head fisrt into a hard wall, no that's a person who happens to be Apollo. "wow what a little liar ice-queen" he flashed that infamous smirk and i started to get a twitch in my eye. "whatever move I'm sick and i don't want to listen to your bull, uh BUH BYE!" with that i walked out kinda stunded i left it at that and not at him on the floor crying, and went home to take a nap then get ready for tha paty.


sorry i havent uploaded!!!!! ive been grounded and the computer is sooo slow!! ill upload again after 10 votes! sorry but i need votes comments and fans!! <333 ill be at my friends house for a while so if tht happens while im gone ill make the next xhapter longer. also im doing a character contest im bored and want to be interactive with my readers so comment your ideas!!! excuse all garmmer/spelling errors!!!

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