chapter 6. wedding bells

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Hey guys so I've noticed this story is kindof slow so I'm going to skip to the wedding because I have alot more I want to do with this story thanks love you guys ♡♡

Marks POV

" Today's the day " I wake up super happy but then realize jack isn't by my side. I remembered jack stayed at a hotel so we didn't see eachother. I tried to walk through my apartment. Passing by boxes after boxes of Jacks stuff he brought down to move to LA and with me. I start to get ready when I get a message from the love of my life.

J: good morning beautiful
M: good morning my love
J: you ready for today
M: have been forever
J: awee babe.

* time skip :) *

Jacks POV

"I do"
"I do"
"Then I now pronounce you Mr and Mr Fichbach."

I smile at mark who was about to be my husband. My one and only. He smiles back and gently presses his lips against mine feeling more fireworks then our normal kisses. I new he was the one I was meant to be with. When he looked back I knew he felt the same.

At the reception everybody ate and danced and then the dj introduced us as the newly weds and we danced our first dance. It was mark singing the song he sang when we danced the first day we met. I cried as we danced across the floor

"How did I get so lucky" he said wiping my tear and kissing my cheek

"I ask myself that everyday I see you"
"Oh hey I forgot I have a suprise for you close your eyes" Mark turned me around and opened my eyes to see my mom dad and brother. I cried even more I hadn't seen them in forever

"Congratulations sean we love you so much" my mom said. I hugged her and when I looked back my dad was talking to mark. Must of been given him the you hurt my son I'll kill you talk by the reaction on marks face. I laughed.

Soon it was time to say speeches. Bob spoke first and after wade. This time mark was crying, I held his hand tighter and smiled. His parents spoke then mine. We cut the cake and I smashed it in marks face and kissed him.

Marks POV
After the reception everyone went home. We got back to my.. I mean our apartment and started working more on moving his stuff in. When we finished we got ourself from whiskey and sat on the couch cuddling. About an hour later I see we have gone through almost the whole bottle

"Babe this bottle is almost gone." He looks at me and we both laugh. Jack unknowingly fell off the couch on to the floor. I look at him and push myself down right on top of his body

"You are really drunk" I say smelling the booze from his breath. He smiles
"Oh my dear but the drunker you are the more fun this will be" he quickly grasps my butt squeezing and pushing his lips to mine. Our first time loving as a married couple.

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