chapter 1. meeting him

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Jacks POV.

Today is the day.. the day I meet him. I've watched the stunning man everyday. Memorized his looks and fell in love with his name.. Markiplier.
I never knew someone could make me feel the way I do when I watch his newly uploaded videos every morning. And today I get to meet him. I look at the time, holy fock I leave in two hours I better pack.

I go to my closet and pack my favorite shirts so I always look good for him. I finish with my septiceye shirt and blue hoodie. Then I remember I bought one of marks warfstache shirts from his last live stream. I'm sure he'll love this. I slightly blush and stare at the shirt before packing it. Hell if I get all girly around a shirt how will meeting him go?!?!.

Marks POV

Today's the day. I finally get to meet him. I haven't been able to sleep the past two night with the small muscular man on my mind. His voice going in and out of my ears like he were speaking to me right now.

I quickly tidy up my place I didn't realize I was daydreaming about jack for over an hour and his plane was about to land. What do I say to him. I'll just be meeting him I can't just blurt out how I feel about him... I look at my phone and see a message from jack

(Jack =j, Mark= m)

J: hey marki mark!! :)
M: hey jackaboy :D
J: my planes about to land are you going to be there.?
M: ofcourse I will be there...

I will always be there jack..

J: good I can't wait to meet you in person finally!!
M: this week is going to be so great I'm on my way to the airport now!:)
J: awesome I have to go I can't have my phone on and the attendant didn't understand when I said how important you are to me.
M: i..I am.

Jacks POV
Fock why did I say that.. oh he responded. He seemed scared..don't reply don't reply don't reply. I keep telling myself this under my breath so Noone thinks I'm crazy... but fock I'm crazy for him.

*time passes*

Marks POV
I arrive at the airport. My palms sweating. I'm so nervous!!. Just a couple weeks ago I saw felix's shout out to this beautiful man and I had to follow him on twitter. With every new tweet my heart grew and grew for this irish man and before I could stop it.. I fell in love with him.

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