Technologies Affects on My Family

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A/N: This is an essay I wrote for Child Development. There are: 6 Paragraphs, 46 Lines, and 742 Words. Thank you for reading. Enjoy, don't forget to vote and comment, I love feed back. -Cigolavon

Technology overall, I would say, has influenced my family in a positive way. I feel this way for many reasons including the biggest one, being able to get a hold of one another when we're not at home. Cell phones can be life savers. Another way technology has benefited my family is by giving us a reliable way to get around. At least most of the time. The last way technology has positively impacted my family is by making everyday life easier with things like computers, washers, dryers and so much more.

My cell phone has come in handy to help me out of many sticky situations. For example, I've used it to call for help when I can't figure a situation out on my own. Like when my car breaks down and I absolutely can't get anywhere, that's happened more than once since my car isn't the most reliable. It also helps me keep in touch with my parents when I'm not at home. I've also been able to use my cell phone for important personal things like alarms and a calendar to keep track or Doctor appointments and school meetings.

Having a reliable way to get around has always been one of the most important things to me. Thanks to technology we have these great things called cars. When I was growing up I lived about five and a half miles away from my elementary school. If I rode the bus I had to be down at the bus stop by 6:45am and I would be on the bus until about 8:10am. It was a really long time for me to just be bouncing around on the bus. When my mom took me to school, because we've always had family car, I would be there by around 7:15-7:25am. Usually that was earlier then my school allowed kids to be there but my mom had an understanding with the school. I would basically sit outside until a teacher would unlock the front doors for me. Then I would go inside and wait by my teachers' door. This is what my childhood was like until I entered middle school. I was still grateful for the car because I would've hated riding the bus every morning. I had to sit there for such a long time and it was so uncomfortable. I got my license the day I turned 16. I also got my own car. That's when I started driving myself to high school. This made it easier on my parents. My mom was able to go to work earlier and I was able to take responsibility for myself.

The last of the technological devices that have impacted my family positively are the basic everyday ones we use. For example, I couldn't even imagine growing up without a washer and dryer, or a microwave and an oven. Even the refrigerator is a technological device. One in particular that's made a very big impact on my life is the computer. I was raised in a generation when computers were still coming out and getting newer, fancier, more upgraded and coming with better features. I grew up not knowing a whole lot about computer safety, however a lot of the safe things they teach you to do now on the internet, I was already doing because to me it was just common sense. I've always used the computer as a way to express myself. Whether it's online playing games, or on a young author's site writing and publishing stories I'm passionate about. I also have used the computer to apply to limitless numbers of jobs. I used it to create my resume, and eventually, I'm going to use a computer to graduate from High School and maybe even use one to go on to college. If I were to ever start my own day care a computer would be an essential part of my business life.

In conclusion, I couldn't imagine my life without technology. I know that all these things; cell phones, cars, computers, they're important to our society. I feel like they will only continue to be more important as time goes on and we progress as a civilization. I know there are ways we could let ourselves be affected negatively by technology but I think it's more important to look at the positive ways because I believe there are more of them than negative ways.

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