The Witch Was Wronged

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My task was to recreate a classic story so I chose Hansel and Gretel.Enjoy my 825 words of story.


I alone have lived many years. I have passed through many kingdoms, but have become the acquaintance of very few. I prefer the solitude of my intoxicating home in contrast to the company of so many dull people. When you've lived as long as I have, well then, maybe one could understand my preference. In my younger years I was a happier witch. I lived with a husband and two of my beautiful sisters. Unfortunately life cursed my wretched body with a barren womb. My sisters and I tried every enchantment, every potion, nothing worked. My husband grew enraged. Frustrated that I could not produce an heir to his family heritage. A year or so passed and we sisters carried on with our magic; keeping it a close secret in fear of being burned at the stake, stoned, or even drowned. One night my bitter husband caught us and ran to tell the village. I was able to escape but my sisters were captured. I never saw my husband or sisters again. Since that time I have travelled around, always living in the outskirts of kingdoms; hidden away in the thick forests.

I live in a house so full of joy and happiness. In the days before my sight left me I was able to see the wonderful colors. The crystals that glistened off gumdrops or the shimmer of frosting caught in the right light. After my sight was lost I could still rely on my sweet sent to keep me going and happy.

One day as I'm sitting in my chair listening to the birds chirp away and the scuttling of small woodland creatures I find myself hearing something new, something strange. Larger than a fox, smaller than a deer. Walking with four legs. No, two creatures walking with two legs each. I thought to myself, who could this be? No one has ever ventured this far into the forest, let alone to people so small. My ears were soon joined by my nose as I picked up the scent of the wondering travelers. They were approaching quickly. I heard the voice of a boy.

"I'll gnaw on the roof and you nibble the window seal. Don't worry, it'll be sweet, it's made of candy!"

"Okay Hansel!" Came the voice of small girl.

These awful children planned on eating my house. What manners allow a child just to eat another person's house?

"Nibble, Nibble, Gnaw, Who dared chew on my house?" I was infuriated by the children's lack of manners.

The children were quick to blame the wind for the sounds they were making. I heard them each break off more of my house. I could hear the gingerbread roof being pulled from the walls. And the other pulled out my raspberry rock candy window. I cried out to them to stop for my poor house was old and brittle. I went outside to chase them away but they continued back like circling wolves surrounding their pray. I could hear one run back as I approached and the other run in again to steal another taste. Eventually I was able to catch the boy. The girl was caught soon after trying to save her brother.

"Let go of him you nasty old witch!" The girl bellowed this as she attacked my side with her fists, and assaulted my shins with her kicks.

"The two of you rotten children brought this on yourselves." I pulled the girl into the house by her hair and locked them both in my cellar.

I kept them there for several days while I figured out what I should do. I couldn't keep them. Surely they belonged to someone. However, I couldn't turn them loose for fear they'd resume the devouring of my home. I also was unable to return them to the village myself because I could not risk being exposed. I opened the cellar to give them meals twice a day. About a week later I figured I better let them come up to bathe and eat. Then I thought I would send them on their way.

While they bathed in the small washroom, the only room without candy I might add, I busied myself making them each a loaf of bread that I would send them back along the road with.

As the last loaf was finishing I heard the water began to drain from the tub. I pulled down the oven door and reached way back to grab the bread. All of the sudden I felt a hard shove, and as I fell abruptly forward, I heard a quiet giggle. The oven seared my face and arms as I tried to steady myself. I wasn't able to regain my balance before I was shoved again and the oven door closed behind me. I screamed as my skin started melting from my body, the last thing I saw being the wickedly smiling faces of two murderous children.

The End.

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