Childcare Factors

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When a couple decides to have a family they have to also start deciding what that means for them in terms of going back to work and leaving their child in someone else's care. We live in an era where it's common for both women and men, in the same household, to work full time jobs. Because of this, the possible childcare providers a family can choose from is vast and has many competitors. For example, a parent might opt into Licensed & Regulated Child Care that is mandated by the State and Federal Government. Or they could decide to use a Home Care Provider. This is someone who goes to the home while the parents are at work, during work hours. Commonly known as babysitters/nannies.

When making the decision as to whom will be watching a child it's important to keep a few things in mind. Some of these things are basic. For example, needing to choose a child care provider who is close to the location of employment. Some companies have even made On-Site Childcare a possibility. The parent's proximity to the child is important for peace of mind. Also if the Daycare watching the child is far away it makes for a more costly drive from work, to Daycare, to home. It's also important for the Childcare facility to be open on the days the parent works. If they aren't open they can't watch the child and the family would have to find another option. When choosing the facility the parents will need to look at the environment their child will be entering. The facility should be clean and the other children should look happy and be socializing together or playing games. Parents should find out how many adults are there per child. This way the family knows how much individual care their child is receiving. 

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