This Ship Has Sailed!

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*Jack’s P.O.V.”

“Jack, wake up?” I turned over in my bed and looked at my alarm it was 2 in the morning, we didn’t have to get up to leave for another four hours. I turned around to look at Alex, and he just looked like a scared puppy.

“What’s up?” I asked as I let out a long yawn.

“Um, mind if I sleep with you tonight? I kind of had a nightmare” I tried to bite back a smile of joy, as I nodded my head and he jumped into the covers next to me. I don’t see what the problem really was I mean we always fell asleep on each other during tour it was nothing knew the guys would usually cuddle with each other anyways. People get lonely as fuck on tour sometimes.

“Ah Jack?” He whispered, I just mumbled a ‘what’ for him to go on. I was extremely tired and I just wanted to sleep but he was making it difficult with being his perfect self.

“About the other day… I don’t know how to really explain what happened” I think he was trying to talk to me about the kiss, or as Sierra put it ‘Hard-core-snogging’

“Alex its fine, no big deal” I smiled turning over looking at him, he looked down at the bed before sighing. Maybe, Sierra was right maybe he does have feelings for me, maybe.

“Just hear me out, did you feel anything?” I could see the fear in his eyes through the dim light in the room; I didn’t really know what I was supposed to say.

“Um, Alex I don’t know. L-like you said we were dr-drunk” I stuttered, I knew I should have told him what I actually felt, gosh if Sierra was here right now she would punch me for not tell him the truth.

“Right, yeah we aren’t gay?” He laughed to himself, soon it turned into a frown and then we just stared at each other. I felt the both of us start to lean in; his forehead was pressed gently against mine as I saw him close his eyes before connecting his lips with mine. Wait, he made the first move this time; maybe Sierra was right… Dammit I owe her 50 bucks now.

I couldn’t help myself; I felt my hand caress his cheek as I deepened the kiss between us. I felt his hand rest on my waist as he bite the bottom of my mouth, our tongues danced together. I don’t understand how we ended up like this; I mean Alex has been acting like nothing has been wrong this whole week. He climbed on top of me as things started to get really intense; I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Fuck” He muttered as he pulled away and pressed his head against my forehead.

“Okay, maybe I am gay” I muttered to him, he looked at me and just closed his eyes and sighed again.

“I don’t know what the fuck it is but I know for a fact I’m confused as fuck Jack, all I know right now that this just feels so good.” He whispered to me, I could see how confused he looked and the fear in his eyes. I knotted my fingers in his hair and looked at him carefully,

“Alex, for just now; can we have this moment. Then you can do all the thinking in the world” That’s something Sierra would have said…Right? I mean I understand why he is confused at first when I was just coming out I was confused as ever, until Sierra had this genius plan. Gay Bar Test, she not only used this test on me but our friend Josh. It worked for him and me also, I learned the ways around a guy. Okay that sounded worse then I really intended it to come out as. He sighed and kissed me again, this time it was with more passion, I could feel him just letting himself go in the kiss; but I knew by tomorrow we will go back to acting like nothing ever happened.  Soon I felt him climb off of me and cuddle next to me, I could tell her was thinking really hard because he would twitch now and then. I felt horrible, he knows I’m okay and accepted the fact my feelings for him are real and that I am gay, he’s just confused about everything.

“Get the fuck up!!” I heard Sierra scream as she ran into my room, she was coming with us on tour as our manger this year.

“No” I mumbled turning over in my bed expecting to find Alex but he wasn’t there. I felt Sierra start to rub my back; I guessed that she probably already knew what happened. She is like everyone’s therapist; it’s pretty crazy how much she knows about everyone. I mean everyone, Of Mice & Men? She knows everything going on, Sleeping with Sirens? Already knew Kellin’s wedding date before anyone else did.  She was like a journal for us to write our secrets in, we all trusted her. It was nice to have someone like her around as a friend.

“Alex already told me, now come on! Get up! You can’t let Mr.Confused ruin your day!”  She smiled as she ripped the blankets off my bed.

“Touring again! I’m here with my best friends All Time Low!” Sierra smiled as she got the camera out and started to video tape us getting everything into the bus. Her and Alex joking around like always as I stayed back with Rian to help load stuff onto the bus,

“You excited to see some old friends?” Rian asked as I handed him his drum. We were touring with Pierce the Veil, and Of Mice & Men.

“Yeah, I missed the guys. It’s nice to catch up on old times and everything.” I shrugged my shoulders as we loaded the last parts of the drum into the back. I looked over my shoulder and saw Alex staring at me, one he caught my gaze he rubbed the back of his neck and walked away. I sighed and shook my head, I know this is going to be the hardest thing in my life to wait for him, but it’s something he needs to come to terms with and I know he’s going to come to me for when he has his needs and go to Sierra when he needs to rant about what happened.

*Alex’s P.O.V.*

“I kissed him again, I just I don’t know Sierra! I feel this weird spark and I don’t know, I know he has feelings for me by the way he just looks at me. I’m so fucking confused!” I whispered/yelled to Sierra was we sat in my bunk. She held my hands as she tried to smile and relax me as I told her everything about Jack, god I felt like a little school girl.

“Relax Alex! Just gave it time, and think! You have a long time to actually think about it” She smiled, I knew I could always count on her and I guess I did have time to think about it, I just didn’t want to disappoint anyone. I mean it’s harder than it looks to have confusing feelings about someone who is not only your best friend, but your band mate and a guy. It would have been much easier if it was Sierra,

“I guess, but I mean twice not even three times we had this hard-core kind of make-out session and it’s the same feelings each time! I know I’m not gay, I simply can’t be gay! I mean I’ve had tons of girlfriends before!” I groaned rubbing my face with my hands

“Listen Alex, Josh and Oliver had this same problem and I was able to help them. Just give it time, everything good happens in time” She smiled taking my hands in hers, she was always such a caring person I know I could trust her with anything.

“I seriously can’t believe my OTP is coming true” She laughed, I just smirked before I attacked her. Tickling her sides before she was crying from laughing so hard.

For Balitmore (Alex Gaskarth/ Jack Barakat Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now