So Close

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*Jack’s P.O.V.*

“Austin fucking Carlile!” Sierra yelled as she opened the microwave to find one of those Ice drinks, it was some stupid game her and Austin Carlile had, I forget exactly who was involved in it but it was a large amount of people. I sat there and laughed as she had to chug the drink, before she ran outside to get Austin. She was such a weird person, but a joy to be around. I have been hanging around her as much as I could lately; I have again started to ignore Alex considering Becca has been hanging around him more and more. She was getting pretty annoying the way she would follow him around like a puppy dog, everyone was getting kind of fed up with her shit.

“Hey Jack!” I heard Rian say as he walked onto the bus,

“Hey man” I smiled up at him before going back to playing on my phone, the show didn’t start for another hour or so, so I tried to kill sometime by playing a few games.

“What’s up with you and Alex” He sighed as he collapsed down next to me; I shrugged my shoulders and tried to play it off like it was nothing.

“Come on man, I have known you since high school. I know something is up! You can tell me, I won’t say anything” It took me a minute to actually take in what he said, I mean he was right we have known each other since high school the four of us have and I feel sort of bad not telling him or Zack anything that has been going on.

“Is it about the whole kiss thing?”

“Who told you that?!” I snapped my head too look at him; he smiled big and wide before standing up.

“You know how Alex is when he is drunk,  it was actually kind of funny too because Sierra literally slapped her hand over his mouth leaving him with a bloody lip” Rian laughed at the good memory before grabbing himself a drink, I looked at my hands before I ran them through my hair.

“Does anyone else know?” I breathed out, I really didn’t want anyone to know considering we weren’t even dating or talking at the moment.

“Only Zack, Vic, Sierra, and Sierra’s friend Chloe” 

“Chloe is in town?” Chloe was one of Sierra’s good friends, she was a trustable person; the only person that didn’t like her was Becca, that’s only because Becca and her basically had the same job as techies.

“Yeah, Sierra has this crazy idea that she is going to get Chloe to take Becca’s job because Becca is getting on her nerves but Becca is fighting tooth and nail with Sierra about it. If you would just pay attention you would have seen the fight she had with Alex today about this is was pretty funny.” I smiled; Sierra tries her best to make me happy and everyone else. Almost everyone knows Chloe she was a good techie, she did a few tours with us.

“Where is Chloe?” I asked

“Her and Sierra are by Of Mice & Men’s bus getting set up for tonight” I smiled and ran out of the bus, I needed to talk to her about this idea I had which is probably a jerk idea but hey it was a good one.

“Stop being so goddamn fucking annoying!” I heard a voice yell, as I came closer to a group of people I saw Chloe and Becca just screaming at each other. Alex was holding Becca back, as Sierra and Chloe where both being held back by Zack and Austin.

“Excuse me but you need to fuck off my job and my boyfriend!” Becca screamed, I looked over at Sierra who smiled and winked at me before getting out of Austin’s grip.

“Listen here Becca, you have done nothing but cause problems you told me you wouldn’t and yet you have!” Sierra said pointing her finger at her, Austin ran to get her but Vic grabbed him back. I moved closer to the group as I heard the fighting contuine.

For Balitmore (Alex Gaskarth/ Jack Barakat Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now