May 15 1955 (Oklahoma)

62 7 3

The picture is how the main Character of this chapter looks.

"I Can't just get up and leave them in a state like that." I hear my self say in a very soft voice, I don't know if he heard me.
"Private, you have no say in this." The chief commander practically barked at me. As he ran beside me with his ammunition on one hand and his gun on the other.
"Yes sir, I understand sir." I say as I follow his lead though choards of the military base.
"Now private, you are aware of what is going on." He asked quieter this time.
I shook my head as I loaded my own gun. I toke in my surroundings trying to find out what this all really is.
Will I get out of this? Will I see my children or my wife? I don't want to leave them to live on the street I love my wife with all of my life, but she is just a woman she could never provide enough to keep the boys in school or to properly feed them.
I signed up for the pay but I did not sign up with my life. I signed up to be a guard of the military base this is not supposed to be happening. I was not supposed to be in fear of my life.
"Sir with all do respect what is going on." I say the fear creeping into my voice as I see my weapon shake a little, I try to hold it tighter, to prevent the trembling from showing.
"Private, what do you know about the base you were guarding. " He says now kneeling behind a boulder a few yards away from the base.
I follow his lead and kneel beside him. "Sir I was at a need to know bases." Now looking into my gun making sure I still had some bullets.
"Well since there is a very slim chance that you will survive what has been unleashed, you might as well know what your going to die to."
"Sir, what was it that was unleashed." I ask now realizing that he confirmed my fear. I hope they find the letter I left in case this happened.
"Well private, have you ever seen those new alien and zombie movies describing these weird animal like things, well lets just say that Hollywood isn't as creative as they like to let people think..."
"Wait, sir are you saying that aliens are real!" I say rising my voice, feeling my heart rise to my throat and my heart beat speeding up. Just imaging all of the movies with all of the horrible creatures moving down the streets terrorizing all of the citizens on the street.
"Private! pull up your skirt and grow a pair. For god's sake, of course not, that is just some bull shit that we told them to keep their noises out of our business, so that they wouldn't freak as much. And please keep your voice down." He yells at me .
"Well its an experiment gone wrong, and they got out because we had a terrorist attack, I am not sure how the hell they found out about how this to begin with, it was strictly commanding officers and the president no actually only the Vice President. The president would just blab it on to the press. No we were trying to find a cure for cancer with a new type of element named the Genesis element containing all known elements within itself, and more. They saw it as a miracle to science but choose to keep it a secret but then they saw that this much ... Power, might have been the true reason for the extinction of the dinosaurs it contains so, so much potential for everything.
"It even contains new laws of reproduction yet known to man. A law without a DNA structure to be able to duplicate its self, yet it has. It could explain the first man and evolution, this could also help with creating new tissue cells that could make it a possibility for injured veterans with lost limbs the possibilities don't end there." He says with a strange light in his eyes that seem to brighten with each word. But the light that showed seemed murky and dark all at the same time giving away the meaning behind his words.
"But something happend to change their minds, So they handed it over to the proper authorities; they gave it up hoping for us to keep it, locked up in a safe but the scientist in our labs got curious to see if they could some how create some kind of explosion out of this so we can finally keep all of the terrorist at bay. With the second world war finally finding the finish line, we have to be prepared for another. But what we didn't account for was the fact that one of the scientist in our labs had physiological problems concerning drugs and depression. Thinking that it would have been a great way to die with one last drug dose large and unpredictable enough too kill him. So he shot himself with a few of the more unstable prototypes..." He says with the light becoming dimmer and the darkness takes over his eye still showing excitement.
But before he could finish his sentence we hear the explosions intensify. He gets up and signals me to follow and he starts to run toward the base, the last thing I would think he would do. But I was proven wrong. He runs towards the back of the base as I try to keep up with his pace he jumps into a cat and plays with car as it roars with a start . He gestured for me to get in and as I do I see something amargue from the flames of the base.
"What the he is that!" I yell I grab my gun and point it at the creature coming at us with blurring speed. I spill my bullets out but seem to have missed it entirely.
The chief commander seems to struggle to get the car to actually move from the parking space. I grab his gun and start to try and aim it towards the thing again but I don't see it. Not trusting the thing to be gone I keep it leveled as best I can but my hands shake as I try to calm myself.
I then realize there is hitting there but my body just won't move I am to terrified to move myself away from the gun , this is the only anchor that keeps me from braking down.
The Chief commander grabs my shoulder and pushes me back into the car seat and the car finally moves to our safety and the car rushes past debris and rubble I feel the heat of the fire surrounding us but my hands are cold and my body shaken. I slide my body down the eat as I try to pray to a god I never believed in.

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