Tattoos in the dark

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A pair of strong hands is carrying my tired wounded body. I can't open my eyes,my blood is dripping from my dress.But I will be fine. The power is already filling my veins and I feel my body staring to heal slowly,yet steadily.Not after long I open one of my eyes,which is a hard task to do ,yet once I do I am taken by surprise . Derek is sitting beside the bed I am currently in,and he is reading a book. I slightly tilt my head to the side and admire his calm face. The anger is gone,he is relaxed,a bit worried judging by his aura,but still he is as beautiful as an Ancient Greek statue.
-Are you just gonna stare at me?-he asks not looking away from his book.
-You have such a symmetrical face.-I say back and I mean it. I've never been ashamed of what I think and I often say it out loud.
-Um.. thanks .
-Don't thank me ,thank your parents- they made you .-I snap back with a smirk,while I get up from the bed. In this moment I notice I am in my underwear and there is a big bandage on my belly. Well,I think to myself,there is nothing to hide about my body.
-Is this your work? - I ask curiously pointing at the bandage.
-Yeah.-his cheek turning slightly red at the site of my half naked body.My hair is tingling my waist,and u get annoyed by the fact that I can't find my comb.
-Great job and thanks for saving me.By the way,how did you find me?
- I ... I heard your voice in my head.
-Yes,these are witch messages ,but I didn't mean to send it to you.-I grunt.-Sorry,I am grateful ,but today is not my day.How is Isaac ?
-He is fine.He and your sister went out to talk about something.-He says lifting his eyebrow.
-He is her chosen one. Every witch has one. They are meant to be since the day they were born. Some say that the chosen one and the witch are two parts of one soul,and when they meet ...something clicks and just like that they know in a moment they are going to be together forever .-I explain ,the thought of my own chosen one making my eyes water .I clean my throat as I continue.- I attacked him because I am not ready to give her up and my dark side snatched .by the way,so you have and clothes I can borrow?
He listens carefully ,but I think he noticed the change of the conversation.
-Yes,sure. Wait for me.
-Like I will go out in the wood half naked in the middle of the night ,Hale.
He smirks as he walks past me,slightly brushing my shoulder.I hit his arm playfully ,now my wound is perfectly healed I am ready to tease him a bit. He looks at me surprised,and quickly catches both my wrists with his hand. I shove my elbow in his abdominal,causing him to grunt ,but in mere seconds he has gripped tightly both my elbows behind my back,which is glued to his chest,both of us slight panting.
-I don't know what game you are playing ,but I don't fight girls.
-How about witches ? - I snap back ,kicking him off me and throwing his massive body to the ground . I get on top of him with a victorious grin.
- I win.-I whisper. The look in his eyes changes. In a sudden I realize how I've been acting . I haven't acted like this since... The accident. When I was with Remi .
Derek uses my momentary distraction and now he is on top of me.
-Do you? - he says with a playful smirk.
Without thinking I pull him closer by his hair into a kiss. He is taken by surprise but eagerly kisses me back. Our kiss is getting more passionate as he lifts me up and carries me to the bed.
*MATURE CONTENT * it isn't detailed ,but if you don't like stuff like this just skip until you see the end sign *
I take off his shirt and admire his fit body,his muscular arms inspecting my whole body ,his soft lips making their way down my neck,as I arch my back in ecstasy. And then ,just like that he stops .
*end of the moment *
-What are those ?-he says out of breath. At first I dont understand what is he taking about but then I see them- my tribals - my magical witch tattoos-each one showing a certain accomplishment or a success in magic spheres .
They are individual for each witch - their color,design. The only thing in common is their number -29,as the days in one lunar month.I've 26 of them ,which for my age in unbelievable. They are like a rose bush,small line of thorns mark my arms and legs and on the small of my back there is the rose it self . Some of the lines reach my jaw,but once I get them all they are supposed to reach my eyes . Around my heart there is a naked skin patch,enough space for another rose . The thing is with tribals that they can't be seen by anyone except for the witch carrying them herself and her coven . And now here I am with my black and gold tribals shining in the dim-lit room while Derek in on top of me observing carefully my body . A thin voice in my head suggest : what is he is special ? What is he is like...No,no,he can't be .
-My witch tattoos .- I whisper back at him,wondering if I had scared him.
-You look gorgeous . Like a fallen angel.- he whisper ,tracing his finger along one of the lines .
I smile at him,pulling him for a kiss . There is something addicting about him,I can't stop. I let him take off my clothes ,and then I take off his and we don't sleep all night ,making love in the comforting light of my tribals and a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling.

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