chapter 3

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Chapter 3

We got to school 30 minutes later and Derek didn't say a word to me throughout the ride. I was left to my thoughts wondering how my new school will be. I was starting to get nervous about my first day. I just hope nothing bad happens.

Derek pulled up and parked his car at the parking lot. I got out of Derek's car and looked at my new school .Everything about Southfield High screamed money. What you will expect of a typical prep school. Looking around the parking lot, I see lots of expensive cars some which I've never see before and the other students, they looked very classy in their expensive designer clothes and I just stood there looking around in awe.

"Are you gonna stand there and stare all day or are we going in?" Derek's voice snapped me from my thoughts

"Sorry" I apologize shyly, blushing slightly at being caught staring. Now he's going to think am stupid or something.

"Come on. Let me show you to the office so you can get your schedule and I can finally be free of you "he said before turning away and heading into the building. I followed quietly behind him noticing the amount of attention we both were receiving from the other students and with the number of people he said hi to during our short walk to the main office, I couldn't say am surprised he's popular. Come on, with a face like that, why wouldn't he be?

Stopping in front of the office, he turned to me and said, "get inside, get your class schedule and find your way to class .Would try not to be late if I were you ,Getting to class late on your first day of school wouldn't go well with your teachers". That said, he turned and started walking away from me. Stopping after a few steps, he turned back to me, "Hey Parker, try not to get in trouble". Then he turned back and kept walking down the hallway then turned into a corner and I couldn't see him again.

Smiling, I turned and entered the office where I met a nice old woman who gave me my class schedule. I had AP biology first so I head towards my first class which was thankfully not far from where I was and with the aid of the small map on a piece of paper also given to me at the office I found my class quite easily. Since I got there early there were only 2 other people in the class and they both gave me strange looks as I entered. I was seriously regretting my wardrobe choice for this morning. I settled down in the middle row and waited for class to start.

A few moments later, the class was already half filled and a pretty brunette girl sat next to me.

"Hi, I'm Charlotte but you can call me Lottie" she smiled at me. She looked nice.

"Hi, I'm Alexandra, nice to meet you" I smiled back at her

"You must be new here, I haven't seen you around before, right?" she asked, looking at me curiously.

"Yeah, I am "

"Wow, that's cool. Where are you from?"

"Boston "

"Nice. Welcome to Southfield high. Hope you like it here" she said right before the bell rang and the teacher entered.

"All right everyone, settle down. I am miss Richards and I will be taking you AP Biology this year." She smiled at every one.

"Alright, let's begin" she turned and started the class for the day.

I was really happy she didn't ask me to introduce myself to the class. i don't know how I would have survived through that. So far my day has been good. I just hope it stays that way. I spoke too soon

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