The Calm Before the Storm

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Elsa sat at the table with many other royal advisors who were visiting from Arendelles neighboring kingdoms. She was trying not to show the sheer look of boredom on her face. The only thoughts in her mind were of Emma. Ruby entered the large room. "Excuse the interruption, Queen Elsa you're needed urgently," she said eagerly. All eyes fell to the young blonde as she tried not to jump for joy. The doors closed behind them. "What's the emergency?" Elsa asked now serious. A sly wolfish grin crossed over Ruby's face. "Sapphire thought you would be going nuts in there so she's going to contact Violet and the others," she replied. Elsa's cheeks flushed as the excitement rushed over her. The two entered a small room. Sapphire was already waiting for them patiently infront of a giant snow ball. "Were you getting bored Els?" she asked. "After all these years I still swear you can read minds," Elsa replied. The three laughed as Ruby and Elsa sat on different sides of the alpha. Sapph leaned in to steal a quick kiss from Ruby before turning her attention to the ball. She raised her hands and the sphere began to glow. Within seconds, Violets face appeared within. "Hi guys," she screamed as she and Granny waved hysterically. "Hey," the three replied at the same time. "Wow you guys spend way too much time together," Granny laughed. Then Emma's face came into view from behind them. "Hey beautiful," she said. Elsa eyes filled with tears as she smiled. "Hi baby," she choked out. "No tears babe please," Emma giggled. Elsa tried to compose herself as best as she could. "Why don't we let these two talk," Sapphire said while getting to her feet. "Yeah we can catch up later," Violet stated. She and Granny moved aside to let Emma sit down. Sapph and Ruby both squeezed Elsa's shoulders before heading out of the room. Emma looked at her queen who was still trying not to blubber. "I miss you... So much," she breathed. "I miss you too Em," Elsa replied. "When are you guy's planning a visit?" the sheriff asked. "Well Ruby and Sapphire have a few things to do in regards to the pack but hopefully soon after that," Elsa replied. "Didn't you have some big important meeting today?" Emma asked. "Yeah, it's still going on but talking to you is far more important," the younger blonde replid with a smile. "How are things over there?" she added. "Same old same old. Neal is getting really big. Oh mom and dad said to tell you hi," Emma stated. Elsa let a small smile bridge her face once more. "There it is, there's that gorgeous smile that I love so much," She added, causing Elsa to smile even wider. "Unfortunately I have to go now though, Henry and Regina are waiting for me. We are trying the whole family bonding thing," she said sadly. "It's okay, I really should be getting back to the meeting," Elsa replied. "I'll talk to you soon baby... I promise," Emma said with a smirk. "I love you with all my heart," Elsa stated. "I love you too Els." Emma's image faded from the snow ball.
"Do you think Elsa is alright?" Ruby asked once they left the room. "I hope so... I know she's sad but we are going to visit them soon she's just got to hold on a little longer," Sapphire replied. "I just worry about her," Ruby stated. Sapphire stopped her in her tracks. "There's no need to worry my love. So long as I'm around, I will always take care of you both," she said with a reassuring smile. "I know you will babe," Ruby replied. She placed her arm around Sapphire's waist and pulled her close. Tenderly Ruby kissed her soft lips. The kiss quickly heated up with Sapphire pressing her helplessly against the wall. She bit the base of her neck, causing Ruby to moan loudly. They both took deep breaths before starting to laugh. "We better not get into this right now, what would our pack think if they saw us getting all frisky," Ruby whispered into the alphas ear. Her soft voice sent tingles running through Sapphs entire body. "At this moment I'm not really caring," she replied. Ruby blushed and smiled bigger. "Come on," she started while placing her hand on Sapphire's chest. "Let's go for a run," she finished.
Mr. Gold was now free from the grasp of the darkness. Everyone was shocked when it escaped the sorcerers hat and disappeared from the pawn shop. Regina, Robin, Snow, Charming, Hook and Emma all fled out into the street. "Where is it?" Snow cried. "It's watching us," Regina replied. They could hear it moving but could not see it against the black of the night sky. Just when Regina took a few steps away from the group, the darkness overtook her completly. "What the hell is it doing!?" Robin screamed as Hook fought to hold him back. "It's killing her by taking away the light," Charming yelled. Without a second thought, Emma ran towards the dark twister and held up the now blank dark one blade. "Emma don't!" Regina pleaded. "You just got your happy ending Regina... I'm not about to let you loose it now after fighting so hard to get it," she stated. Once the blade met with the swirling evil, it left Regina and engulfed Emma. Everyone cried out as Robin helped his love to her feet. "Why would you do that," she yelled at the savior. "You found a way to take the darkness out of me once before.... Now do it again," Emma responded. Within seconds she was gone, takin over by pure evil and swept away into the night sky leaving only the dagger behind. The wind blew gently as Henry ran up. "What's going on?" he asked. Everyone remained foccused on the dagger which now bore the name Emma Swan on it.
Elsa made her way to the balcony off the side of her room. Just as she reached for the door, a small pain went through her chest almost knocking her to the floor. Not knowing what it was, she shook it off and proceeded to go through the open door. Off in the fields below she smiled as she watched Sapphire and Ruby playfully bouncing through the field. Every once in a while the smaller wolf would pounce and take the alpha by surprise. Ruby crouched to do it again but this time her love was expecting it. Sapphire easily deflected her attempt which sent her tumbling through the grass. When she got back to her feet Ruby was left puzzled. Sapphire was no where in sight. She cast her glance towards Elsa who shrugged. "Sapphire where are you?" she thought. Ruby and Elsa spent the rest of the day with the pack, searching for their missing alpha. "I hope she alright," Ruby said to Elsa. "Me too," the queen replied.

A Wolf's Dark Tale, Once Upon a Time fanficWhere stories live. Discover now