Dark Emma

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Emma stalked back and forth outside her parents loft. Many emotions were running through her mind; to go and see them, to tell them that even as the dark one she still loved them or to just leave them be because they would never accept her this way. Suddenly a chill ran all the way down her spine. As she quickly turned, she was greeted by the sight of Elsa and Ruby emerging from Gold's shop. "Els..." she barely whispered. "Fuck they are heading this way." With a cloud of smoke, the dark one retreated back to her lair. The rock cave she created was the perfect cover from anyone who was looking for them. "Sapphire!!" she screamed. The wolf appeared out of the darkness like a shadow or the ghost of a shadow. "What," she growled. Blood was all over her face, hands and outfit. "Late night snack?" Emma mocked. "Nope, just a toy to play with," Sapph smiled. "We have a problem my pet," Emma stated. The alpha cocked her head to the side. "Go ahead dear, take a sniff," she added. Sapphire inhaled as deeply as she could. Her eyes shot open. "Ruby," she whimpered. Her face immediately looked guilt stricken. Emma grabbed her by the throat and lifted her off the ground. "Don't tell me you actually miss her," she screamed. The girl squirmed within her grasp before finally over powering her. Emma flew backwards and landed with ease. "You can't tell me you don't. Just because we are graced with the powers of darkness doesn't mean we can't still be with our lovers... Who knows maybe we can even turn them," Sapph smirked. The dark one couldn't help but snicker. "You might be able to turn you 'precious' wife dark but I know my Elsa would never," she stated. It took a moment for her words to sink in. "See, you just said 'your Elsa' hence you still love and miss her," the wolf grinned. Emma rolled her eyes and began pacing. "Love is weakness dog! True loves kiss can undue everything we have started building. I'm not about to throw away my own personal hell demention over a silly kiss," she yelled. Turning away, Emma hid the pain in her eyes after calling a sweet magical kiss from Elsa silly. "So what do you want me to do then master," Sapphire asked. "We need to show them that there is absolutely no way of saving us... The farther away they stay the safer they will be," the dark sheriff replied. "Sooo who do you want me to publicly torture this time?" Sapph said, an evil grin crossing her face now. Emma thought for a moment before matching the facial expression. "Why our good friend Dr. Whale of course. He's constantly fixing the people we harm... Oh and Sapphire, make it bloody," she said.
Ruby and Elsa walked to the clock tower when a voice called out to them. "It's pretty sad when they have to call in back up, I mean I never had anyone to lean on and fight my battles for me," Emma stated. The two women turned to gaze upon her familiar yet unfamiliar face. "Emma," Elsa cried out. Ruby grabbed her arm to keep her in place. "Awe what's wrong Ruby... Don't trust me?" the dark one mocked. A growl crept up from Ruby's throat. "Oh you're so feisty, now I see why my pet chose you," Emma said. "We found eachother, it was destiny that brought us together and she's not your fucking pet," Ruby screamed. Swan laughed uncontrolably. "Be real mut, she's the purest wolf in history. Do you really think it was destiny that made her fall for you, a non pure blooded mongrel," Emma hissed. "Now now dark one... Pick on your own," Sapphire called out. "Ah right on schedule my pet. Did you bring the gift for our lovely ladies?" the dark one asked. The alpha nodded. She waved her hand and a post appeared in the center of the road with Whale bound to it. She gracefully walked over to the gagged man, his eyes wide with fear. "Now you will both see... There is no saving us," Emma howled. Sapphire put on a pair of gloves with razor sharp claws on the finger tips. "Tare him up my dear," her master called. "Sapphire no!" Ruby screamed. By now Regina and Violet had joined them. Sapph walked behind Whale and slashed the back of his knees. He screamed in agony as blood squirted all over his captor and the road. Elsa looked down, she felt instantly sick at the sight and sound of the horrific action. Regina was even forced to use magic in order to hold Ruby and Violet back. The alpha circled to the front and ran her index finger against his inner thigh. A deep red line emerged from the flesh as more blood spilled out. By the time she was nearly finished, his entire body was dripping red from head to toe. It almost looked like he didn't have any skin. "Now finish him!" Emma screamed. Sapph smiled. She lifted her right hand up and in a swift movement, ripped his throat out. The blood spattered as far as five feet away from his lifeless body. "You see... We are hopeless.. Now go home," Emma yelled before disappearing in a cloud of smoke. Sapphire licked some of the blood off of her gloves. She made eye contact with Ruby and then disappeared as well.
Back at the cave the wolf felt a tightness in her chest. The look on her beloved's face was burnt into her mind and nearly making her knees buckle. She transformed to hide her deep inner feeling. Emma danced and skipped all around. "That was amazing my sweet, truly a remarkable show! Ohhh the feeling of the high from a good kill," she said. Sapphire laid down in the doorway of the cave. "To hell with you too then dog, I guess I'll celebrate by my self." She walked over to a bottle of whiskey and took a shot. The burning taste made her think of Elsa and the first time they drank together. "God I have to do something to get her out of my head, she can't screw this up for me... No one can." She turned her gaze to the slumbering wolf. "I guess I'll have to imprison my love so she can't get in the way but Sapphire's love for that mut will surely get in the way... Hmm I guess I'll just have to kill her." Regina released the wolves from her magic grasp. Ruby collapsed to the ground and began throwing up. "Regina," she said after she spit. "It's clear Emma is the puppet master.... Now how do I get my wife back?"

A Wolf's Dark Tale, Once Upon a Time fanficWhere stories live. Discover now