Territory Battle

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The dark one stood on top of the clock tower and awaited her companions return. "Did you do it?" she asked out loud when the wolf appeared. "You know I did... I had no choice remember," Sapphire said in a bitter voice. Emma smilled. "The last part of my plan is falling into place. In just three days time, I will have all that I seek," she stated.

Elsa sat outside on the porch of the inn. "Why so down love," Hook called. She glanced up at him for a brief second. "Ouch... Look I know we don't exactly see eye to eye and there is the whole fact that you did steal my girlfriend and all but I will help you do whatever I can to bring her back from the darkness," he stated. "Thank you Hook... You know there is someone I know back home that I think you should meet one day," Elsa said. The pirate looked intrigued and raised one eye brow. "Is that so," he said. "Mhmm. She's a beautiful princess and rules over every forest in all of the lands," Elsa stated. "Is that so... Well what's the lovely ladies name?" he asked. "Bambi," she replied with a small smile. "As in the deer?" "Yes Hook. But she's like Sapph and the other wolves, she can change into a human as well," Elsa said. "Gee thanks love but I think I'm a little too rugged for a deer," he stated. "Fine if you say so," she replied. He let out a small laugh and nudged the queens shoulder. "Don't you dare ever touch her again," Emma yelled. Both the pirate and the queen were startled. "Emma, what are you doing here?" Elsa asked. The dark one glared at her former one handed lover. She stepped forwards. Elsa rushed towards her and placed her hands on Emma's chest. "Hook go, get out of here," Elsa yelled. Emma went to grab for him as he ran by them but Elsa grabbed her face. She got the dark saviors full attention. Their lips were only a couple inches apart. Elsa gazed deep into Emma's eyes. She glanced down at her lips every few seconds. She moved slightly closer and their lips grazed. Emma couldn't handle it anymore, she pulled the younger blonde in and kissed her passionately. Elsa wrapped her arms around her and held her closer. Emma picked her up and Elsa wrapped her legs around her waist. "Take me somewhere," she breathed out. In a blink they were at the dark ones hideout. They continued tongue wrestling as Emma placed her lover gently onto the bed. Elsa looked up so lovingly into her eyes that for the first time in a while, Emma didn't feel like the dark one. She saw all the love and hope and passion swirling in her beautiful girls soul. Everything in the world melted away and nothing mattered in that instant. In that very moment Emma knew that no matter what happened, Elsa would always love her unconditionally. The queen stared up at her and smirked. "What?" she asked in a playful tone. The savior shook her head. "I want to marry you some day," she stated. Elsa pulled her down into another kiss. They quickly removed their clothes and let all the emotions they had been holding back come to the surface.

Elsa awoke all alone in Emma's cave. She was naked and her entire body felt like a giant bruise. Quickly getting to her feet and finding her dress, she ran out the door and back to town. Upon arriving she saw a horrific sight. Emma and Regina were facing off. "Emma this has to stop!" Regina screamed. "I won't stop until this entire town is mine," Emma said. "Sapphire, attack anyone who comes near!" she ordered. The massive wolf nodded. Suddenly sparks shot out of Regina's finger tips and collided with the ones coming from Emma's. It caused a loud thunderous clap when they connected and the wind rushed all around them. The dwarves appeared out of Granny's with pitch forks. The black wolf released a roar and headed them off. Grumpy stabbed his weapon into her side. The beast yelped before snapping it at the shaft and propelling him backwards. She used her brute force to take care of the others in one swift movement. Violet and Granny came out next. Granny took cover and aimed her crossbow, waiting for an opportune moment. Violet was face to face with her sister. Both of them locked eyes. A tinge of sorrow flashed through the alphas glare. Emma placed her hand in her pocket and squeezed the heart causing the wolf to roar in pain. Violet quickly put together what was going on... Emma had her sisters heart! Before she could break her train of thought, Sapphire lunged. The two toppled, jaws snapping and horrible sounds coming from them both. Ruby ran out with the Charming's and nearly dropped to her knees when she saw the two wolves fighting. Violet shot her a look. "Her heart is in Emma's pocket... Don't worry about what happens to me, get her heart and we will have her back on our side," she said to Ruby who was still not used to the whole wolf telepathy thing. As the beasts rolled around and took turns sinking their teeth into one another, Ruby ran to Granny. "Aim for Emma's coat," she instructed. "What why?" Granny asked. "Sapph's heart is in it," Ruby cried. They glanced over at the sisters just as Elsa made her way to them. "Hurry before she kills Violet," Ruby yelled. Granny took her aim. She steadied her hand and took a deep breath. Her finger flicked the trigger and the arrow flew out with an unspoken grace and intensity. It took the entire lower side of the coat off. Emma staggered causing her to loose some ground with Regina but not noticing what had happened to Sapph's heart. Ruby bound out of her hiding spot, her claws digging into the road as she ran. Just as Sapphire was about to finish off her sister, she noticed Ruby headed right for Emma. The alpha roared and changed her target. Ruby was only a few feet away when Sapphire caught up to her. The alpha swipped her feet out from under her causing the smaller wolf to crash to the ground. Sapph stalked back and forth as Ruby transformed and inched her way towards the heart. Her fingers just touched the piece of coat when her wife sprang. She quickly took out the heart. "Stop!" she yelled. In mid air the wolf changed. She rolled her body and landed hard next to her lover. She breathed heavily and gazed into Ruby's eyes. The younger woman scrambled to her wifes side. "Don't worry baby, I'll put your heart back," she said. "No don't," Sapphire protested as she pushed the heart away. "You need to keep it, if you don't she can just take it again.... If you keep it then we have a chance at stopping her," the alpha claimed. "Are you sure? I don't feel right having control over you," Ruby protested. Sapphire smiled and closed Ruby's grasp around her heart. "It's always belonged to you anyways," she said. A tear fell from Ruby's eye. "You're so cheesy," she laughed before kissing her deep.

A Wolf's Dark Tale, Once Upon a Time fanficWhere stories live. Discover now