Darkness Rises

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Enchanted Forest:
Emma woke up on the ground. She knew exactly where she was... The Enchanted Forest. After getting to her feet, she looked down at her hands which now looked like there were diamonds embedded within them. "That's interesting," she said in a low and cold voice. "Sapphire," she called out. A snowy vortex left the wolf standing before her. "We have work to do my pet." Sapph transformed. "Emma... What the hell?" she asked. Swan put her hand up to silence the beast. Her bright eyes flickered at the unexpected gesture. "It was the powers of darkness that made you what you are and it is now my power that you will obey," Emma stated. She waved her hand over the alphas face. Sapphire's vibrant eyes immediately darkened. "Yes... master, whatever you wish," she said blankly. "Good. Now we must find a way to return to Storybrooke... We are going to make our presence known," Emma said. She moved swiftly past her follower and headed for Rumplestiltskins castle.
After a few days, Ruby and the others were exhausted from searching. "You really should get some sleep Rubes," Anna stated. The wolf queen paced back and forth. "I can't sleep... Not when I don't know where Sapphire is. The pack is getting more and more anxious. Something is wrong, she needs to be found now," Ruby replied. "I agree but killing yourself in the process isn't going to make anything better," Anna stated. Ruby sat on the edge of the bed and put her head on her hands. Just then Elsa entered the room. "We have now officially searched the entire kingdom," she stated. Ruby exhaled loudly before laying back. Elsa and Anna exchanged a look of concern. "Well I'm going to go to bed now, Kristoff is probably wondering where the heck I am," Anna mumbled. She said goodnight and quickly left, lightly closing the door behind her. Elsa sat next to her stressed out friend. "It's going to be ok Ruby," she said softly. "How do you know? We can't even contact the others to see if for some reason she got sent back to Storybrooke," Ruby huffed. "I know Sapphire... She never gives up... especially when it comes to you," Elsa replied. Their eyes met briefly. "Now, my sister is right you need to get some sleep," she added. "We can continue searching tomorrow." "Alright fine, you win," Ruby stated. She stood up and walked Elsa to the door. The blonde turned and hugged her before venturing down the hall. Ruby locked the door and stripped down to her bra and underwear. She climbed into bed and cuddled deeply into Sapphire's pillow. She inhaled her lovers sent deep into her lungs before sheer exhaustion set in and she drifted off to sleep.
Enchanted Forest:
The dark one and the dark wolf finally made it to the castle. Emma found her way to the biggest mirror she could find. "How about a fashion show," she smiled. Sapphire continued to stand there quietly. The dark savior poofed on almost a hundred different outfits before finally choosing one of all black. The long coat fit her figure perfectly. "Now it's your turn," she commanded. Sapphire waved her hand over herself and a semi skimpy outfit appeared on her, revealing her well muscled body. She had on tight black leather pants with zipper rips up and down the front and back. Her stomach was bare and a black fur bra looking top covered her breast. To top it all off, a long leather trench coat with sapphires jewled into the collar. "Nice, you look much better," Emma teased. "So do you have any ideas how we are going to cross worlds?" Sapph asked. "Don't tell me you've forgotten... you can open an ice portal silly," Emma replied. "When would you like me to open it my liege?" Sapphire asked. Emma walked extremely close to the alpha. They were nose to nose when Emma said, "how about now."
Regina was working tirelessly along with Belle to search for any way to locate Emma. The evil queen slammed her current book shut. "This is hopeless, we are never going to find a locator spell to find the dark on... Emma," she ranted. "Regina you need to stay positive," Belle stated. "We will find her and save her," she added with a small smile. Gina walked into the front of Gold's shop. "I need some air," she said as she passed through the beaded curtain. Belle followed her closely. When the two reached the main counter, there was a bright flash outside. "What the bloody hell was that?" Belle questioned. Regina looked concerned but yet, there was a small flicker of hope showing through. "Please be Swan," she thought to herself. Carefully she walked towards the front door. When it swung open, the sound of the little bell startled both women. "Sapphire!?" they both yelled. The wolf queen just stood there watching them, not saying a word. "Regina... What's wrong with her?" Belle whispered. The mayor shrugged her off. "Thank god you're here, something terrible has happened to Emma," she said, taking a few steps forward. The closer she got, the more she realized that Belle was right. Sapph's eyes seemed darker, her clothing choice was different as well. Not to mention the purely evil grin on her face. "I wouldn't say terrible," Emma's voice called from behind her minion. "I would call it.... Revolutionary, a miracle or hell even amazing," she hissed. "Swan... We were so worried when you disappeared," Regina said. Emma placed her hand around Sapphire's neck. "No need to worry, I have all the protection I need right here," she said. Sapphire looked at her and for a split second, Regina could have sworn she saw a hint of disgust lingering in those dark blue eyes. "Now then... Down to business. Where is the former dark one?" she asked. Belle's eyes got bigger as they shot to the back room. "H-he's not h-here," she stammered. A smile crossed Emma's face. "Sapphire," she said. The wolf looked to her once more. "Fetch," she finished. The alpha started forward. Regina stepped in the way and Sapphire easily lifted her off the ground. Before the life could leave the mayors eyes, the mighty alpha body slammed her into a display case. Glass flew everywhere and Regina's cut up body lay lifeless in the ruins. Now Sapph turned her attention to the quivering girl blocking the door. "Last chance to safely move out of her way," Emma mocked. Belle stood her ground even though she was very visibly shaking. Sapphire walked towards her and plunged her hand deep into the girls chest. Belle gasped for air. Nothing could prepare anyone for the feeling of fingers being wrapped around their heart. The feeling was gone once the wolf had ripped the heart from its place. Emma jumped up and down clapping. "Ohhh I do love this part," she squealed. "Tell me dear Belle... Are you willing to die for a man... Well not even a man more like... a coward, who has done nothing but lie, deceive and betray you from the moment you met," Sapphire said in a cold tone. Belle looked back at her unconscious husband. She swolled hard as tears fell from her eyes. "I'm sorry," she whispered while stepping out of the way. The wolf brushed passed her and threw the man over her shoulder. Before the dark beings left, Sapphire tossed Belle her heart. "See you around," she hissed.

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