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Elsa and Ruby walked in the main square of the kingdom. It had been almost three weeks since Sapphire's disappearance. They spoke to many of their people, trying to keep appearances up and reassure everyone that Sapphire was safe somewhere. A small girl child approached them cautiously. "Excuse me your majesty's... I was wondering if you could maybe help me," she said in a small voice. The queens melted at how adorable she was. "What is it sweetie?" Ruby asked while getting to the girls level of sight. She looked down timidly and fumbled with her shirt. Then she held up a small stuffed wolf doll that had it's head separated from it's body. Her sweet little eyes filled with tears. "My brother ripped my alpha dolls head off," she cried. Elsa nearly lost it. She grabbed the little ones hand and agreed to help. With the mother and Ruby close behind, the blonde queen took them to meet with Anna. "My sister is very talented at fixing things that are broken," Elsa explained. Anna took the doll and began working. "Is that supposed to be Sapphire?" Ruby asked. The girl smiled and nodded. "She just adores you and your wife," the mother explained. Ruby left them briefly and returned to her room to grab a small leather bracelet with a sapphire heart on it. When she returned, Anna had just finished re-attatching the plush doll together. The little girl was so excited, she grabbed it and began hugging it immediately. Ruby knelt infront of her. "Here, I think my wife would want you to have this," she said. She carefully placed the trinket around the little wolf's neck as a collar. "Now you will always have a piece of the real alpha with you," she added. The child and her mother both expressed their thanks and left the castle. "That was sweet," Anna stated. Ruby and Elsa turned to her and smiled. Then without warning they were gone, vanished into thin air. Anna was so startled that she nearly fell out of her chair.
Regina walked out of the hospital to find that most of her town was in ruins. Most of its inhabitants had retreated to the forest, all except those most loyal to Emma and Sapphire. The Charmings, Belle, Violet, Granny and the dwarves were gathered in city hall. When the mayor walked through the doors, she was overwhelmed with everyone talking at once. "Everyone stop yelling, I can't understand what the hell you're saying," Regina screamed. One by one they each expressed their concerns. "At this rate there won't be a town left," Grumpy stated. "Next there will be more killings hell they may even start doing executions," Doc added. Snow didn't take kindly to her daughter being referred to as a murderer and began a screaming match with the dwarf. In the midst of the argument, Belle pulled Regina aside. "I think I may have an idea," she whispered. Regina looked at her intently. "Violet and I were talking and there is a way to summon Elsa and Ruby here," she explained. "Why would we want to summon them?" Regina asked. "Boy going through a glass case must have really messed up your memory," Belle snickered. The evil queen gave her an all too famous look that was a combination of a threat and sarcasm. "Okay... Not a good time for jokes... We need to summon them because they are their true loves," Belle said quickly. "Of course... How do we do it," Regina mumbled. "I can walk you through it," Violet said, Granny was close behind. "Well its clear these guys will be going at it for a while so lets get started," the mayor instructed. The four of them went to Granny's to prepare for the ritual. Belle handed Regina the spell after everything was in order. She began reading it out loud. After the first time, nothing happened. "It's ok, do it again," Violet said. As the last word left Regina's mouth, a small earthquake happened followed by a bright blue light that blinded the three women. Once they opened their eyes, Elsa and Ruby were standing infront of them extremely confused. Elsa spun around on her heels before realizing where she was. "What the hell... What's going on... Why are we here?" Ruby asked. Granny rushed over and gave her granddaughter a big hug as Violet did the same to Elsa. "Not to impose on this little reunion but we do have a more pressing issue at hand," Regina stated. "What's going on? Where's Emma?" Elsa questioned. At the mention of the sheriff's name, Regina's eyes fell to the floor. "And you haven't by chance see my wife around here have you? She went missing a few weeks ago," Ruby said. Now everyone's eyes met the ground. "I think... You guy's should probably come sit down," Violet said in a near whisper. The queens did as suggested. "So is someone going to tell us what's going on?" Elsa asked. "How about a snack girls, you must be hungry," Granny interrupted. Ruby slammed her fist on the table. "Damn it! Someone better start talking... I know that look all to well..." she screamed. Violet stepped back, an angry wolf queen was a scary wolf queen, especially Ruby. "Emma.... Is the... A-and Sapphire is...." Granny stammered. "What about my Emma," Elsa yelled. Regina sighed, it was clear she would be the bringer of bad news. "A few weeks ago something happened.. I was nearly killed by the darkness that resided in Rumple for centuries," she began. "Resided... As in got out," Ruby stated bluntly. Ignoring the comment, the mayor continued. "We had it trapped, however.. it managed to escape. Once it decided to try and kill me.... Which Emma of course, wouldn't let happen... She stabbed the dagger into it and... In saving me... She became the dark one." Ruby's eyes got real big as she sat back in her chair. "So what does that mean?" Elsa asked. "It means that the Emma we all knew and loved is gone, replaced by evil and hate," Granny said softly. Elsa began to whimper loudly as Violet tried to comfort her. "And Sapphire?" Ruby said. "I'm not exactly sure how she fell into all of this but she seems to be taking orders from Emma... Ruby it's very clear that she's evil too. Her eyes alone are nearly unrecognizable, darkness fills them," Regina replied. The wolf queen sat and thought for a moment, her face rock hard like stone. The muscles in her jaw were very visibly tensing and her brow was creased. "Where are they?" she asked coldly. "Walk outside... You can't miss them," Granny grumbled. "Nearly everyone in town has fled, they are destroying everything... Even killing people," Violet added. Ruby stood with such force that her chair went flying backwards. "Whatever spell she's under, I can break it... True loves kiss can break it," she said. Elsa followed closely behind her. They paused at the door. The sky was thick with heavy red and black smoke. Most of the buildings had chunks missing out of them or collapsed roof tops. Fire piles lined up and down the street. Upon exiting the diner, it became all too clear where their lovers were. There was a bright glow in the woods, just beyond Mr.Gold's pawn shop.

A Wolf's Dark Tale, Once Upon a Time fanficWhere stories live. Discover now