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We went into the car and drove to another town. It seemed to be less populous. The town center looked very scenic. It was small and empty. I could calculate on my fingers the number of people that walked around the place.

We stopped driving at a gas station to fill up our car. My mother asked the attendant where there might be accommodation to rent at an affordable price. My mother had some savings that would maintain us for a long time. That was the fruit from an inheritance of our family. The attendant indicated to us a residence which took twenty minutes from the town center.

When we arrived at the house, my mother agreed to rent it because there was antique furniture, however quite conserved. There was a fabulous backyard with several trees. I saw fruits that I had never known and I would get to know them.

We entered into the house and we unpacked our suitcases. Then I went into my room and my mother went into hers. My room was comfortable. There was a single bed, a wardrobe, a dressing table with a mirror, bed-carpet and curtain on the window.

Later on I went to speak to my mother in the backyard. Our backyard was amazing. There were several trees in fruit. I felt its pure air into my lungs.

"You need to enroll me at high school." I said my mother as she was with her back to me. Her fingers touched a red fruit on a tree. I could see happiness on my mother's face.

Her eyes flashed back to me. "I'll do that tomorrow." Finally she said without looking back at me.

It was my final year at high school. I was about to complete my school experience.

Even though I kept running from town to town, I never repeated any year at school. On the contrary, I was considered to be the best student in my class.

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