Chapter 5

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Hey guys! So I know it been ages since I've updated. I moved and was very busy upacking. And the worst part is, *drum roll* school started yay! (NOTE THE SARCASM) So guess I kinda have an excuse. I think lol. Anyway here is chapter 5. It's probably the longest chapter I've written but I thought u guys deserved yea hope u guys enjoy it.


Iris's POV

Walking to the beach takes me about 10 minutes. It gives me time to think. To think about what's happening in my life.

Interrupting my thoughts, I hear a very familiar voice say, " Hello! You coming or not?!"

I turn to see the faces of my best friends, Quinn and Lani. Quinn's a few months older than me and Lani's a few weeks younger. We've been best friends since birth. We tell each other every thing and we never keep secrets.

"Hey! Uh yeah I'm coming...duh." I say responding.

"Okay good... cause the waves a pretty sick today." Quinn says. Then we make our way down to the shore.


The water was bright blue and wasn't too cold. "Omg! The water is FREEZING! There is NO WAY I'm gonna emerge my body it this... unbearable water...." Lani complained, "it feels like the water those poor people fell into on the titanic.

"You've never even been on the titanic!!" Quinn pointed out.

"Well, it feels like it was described it the books I read all about the Titanic." Lani said.

Lani is a book nerd. I'm not talking about a few books here or there. I'm talking about thousands....well probably not thousands but hundreds maybe? OK fine I'm exaggerating but u get the point. She loved books.

"Are u gonna get in?" Quinn asked. Finally realizing he was talking to me.

"Uh..yea maybe.. if it's not to cold." I said trying not to sound like Lani.

"Not you too!"

"Nah just kidding...course I'll get in the water!"

"Oh thank God! Now we have to get her in!" He said pointing to Lani.

"Oh no u dont!!! Don't u dare!!!" She said putting her hands up into fists.

I laughed, "Yea like that's gonna do anything!"

Then Quinn and I grabbed her.

"GET OFF OF ME! HELP!!! HELP ME!!!!!" She squealed, " Quinn Markus Hemming you better put me down this INSTANT! You too Iris! Your gonna regret this!!

"I'm sooooo scared!" He laughed.

And with that we throw her into the water.

By the time we left the beach it was already dark and we started to head home.

"I had a good time. We should do this more often." Quinn said breaking the silence.

"Yea... me too!" Said Lani and I.

"And we should throw Lani in more often!" I laughed, so did Quinn.

"NO! I can't believe you did that! You'll regret that!" Lani said, then she punched my shoulder.

"Hey! That hurt!" I complained.

"Whatcha gonna do about it?" She teased.

I ran after her, "This!" I said, tickling her.

"Ahhhhhh, AHHHHHH, ahhhh!!!!!!!!!" She screamed. From the corner of my eye I could see Quinn cracking up. That made me smile.

"HahaHAHAHA!!!" I laughed.

"Wait!..... No... more please it tickles... so.. much!" Lani said almost out of breath.

"Your lucky this is my street. See you guys later!" I said waving.

"Night!" They both said parting there own ways.

"Night." I yelled back not sure if they could hear me.

The house was quite and dark. Weird, I thought. I walked up to my room and sat on my bed. My eyes past over my clock and that's when I saw what time it was. 1:37 a.m. No way! We were at the beach ALL day. Then I remembered. School. Today was the last day of spring break and tomorrow was school.

"CRAP!" I mutter.

How was I ever going to wake up tomorrow morning. Without even thinking and dreading tomorrow morning, I ran to brush my teeth and hopped into bed, immediately falling alseep.

What did u guys think? Eehh.. right? I'll try to do better next chapter.. I promise.


Thank u to the people who voted on my story! It means a lot!

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