Monsters Part II : (Lunchroom)

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It's not much but I promise you I will try and make a longer one if I get at least two comments. Thank you for everyone who reads, it means a lot. This story is dedicated to HeyHazza. As well, as somebody very special ... ness, thank you for giving us love again. Love you lots.

Here in Promises every patient in the facility is to eat at least half of their meals, get a full nights sleep, and participate in all of the activities provided. If not, you would automatically get downgraded to a color. There was four colors in all. White, Yellow, Orange, and the last and most fatal, Red. White means good. It means release.

Harry is leaning against the head board as he stares at everyone with wide panicky eyes. He needs his fix and right. Damn. Now. Yet, he knows that's not going to happen. So, he swallows the anxiety down that's crawling up his skin and with shaking hands grabs a fork full of his stupid chicken and salad. He chews. He swallows. Repeat.

He could here Liam bitching to himself as he stares at the food down in front of him. "Is this even real meat?" He asks, disgusted. Louis cackles and the skin beside his eyes crinkle.

"Stop being such a princess."

Liam's head snaps to the side and Harry cant fathom why they are sitting together if they hate each other so much. He watches as Liam bares his teeth and a "watch" immediately comes and tells him to cool down or whatever.

As if simple words with kindness forced upon them would suffice.


Niall wiggles in his seat. He is bouncing, golden hair shimmying around his face and he smiles brightly at Zayn. "You going to eat that?" He asks and Zayn bites his lip glancing at him warily.

"No." he says slowly, pushing his untouched plate to Niall. He was immediately jealous -- Niall was easily the lightest one here, no doubt. He didn't have a stomach, or fat thighs, or a great impending ass. He didn't have all this fat that seemed to cling to his body and it sucked. It sucked the life out of him, literally.

"You know, if you don't eat they wont send you home." Niall remarks as he munches on his food without a care in the world.

Anxiety rips the fine line he created in his head to stay stable and he doesn't know when or why he is saying what he is but its happening and he cant seem to even gas for air as the words leave his parted lips. "Well, at least I have some self control! You, on the other hand, don't seem to have any. You eat and eat until you burst and then stick your own bloody finger in your mouth to purge the pain." As soon as he realized what he was saying he covers his mouth gasps. But Niall is still in his chair. He looks down before looking up, bottom lip trembling, the saddest look placed upon his warm blue eyes.

With that, a pain so strong ripping him to his core, he stands up and walks away from the table. No overseer questions when he says he just needs to go to the bathroom. Nobody listens to the broken sobs and retched hacking into the loo, that day. Nobody listens, even in a place full of Promises.


Monsters are within everyone of us.

Sometimes we don't want them but sometimes they stay, anyways. They make a home inside of our hearts and make us think that we are one when in reality .. there is absolutely no truth in that.  These monsters drag us down and down and down making us feel so heavy that we are led to believe that we have sunken back deep into the hole we crawled out of.

Monsters are within everyone of us.

And sometimes, they win.


Monsters (Narry Storan AU)Where stories live. Discover now