Monsters: Part One (Introductions)

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Okay, I will only ask for one itty bitty comment for the next chapter. :)

"Okay, I'm going to need that all of you state your name and why you are here," Bonnie said with an easy smile. She had her perfect dark hair tide up in a bun, brown eyes soft as she glanced around the circle. "Any volunteers?" She looked at us expectantly and when no one made a move to raise their hand she sighed. "Alright, I guess we'll start from the right and make our way around the circle, yes?" but she continued on talking as if she knew she wasn't going to get a reply. "Zayn, right?" She asked the bloke on the far right.

He had a small figure, so small and delicate that they were afraid that if they moved too fast, the wind would topple him over and he'd smash into a million tiny pieces. He had an olive cast to his deathly pale skin signaling how tan he was once upon a time. His eyes were his biggest features -- they were wide, brown, and framed with thick black eyelashes. He looked very much like a doll. A small hand wrapped around his middle before his blue lips emitted sound, barely audible. "Y-yes," he whispered softly.

I think every body in the room melted at the sight. Bonnie smiled encouragingly. "Okay, so why are you here, Zayn?"

There was a long pause. "Um, well, my parents think I have an eating disorder." He shrugged.

"But you don't think you have one?" She asked trying to keep her tone light. I could feel everyone eye him gently -- as if the force of the stare would break him. He shrugged again.

"I guess."

"What does I guess mean, Zayn?"

He shifted uncomfortably in his chair and we all winced when his bone made contact with the seat with a defying crack. He glared at the floor making it clear he wasn't going to speak anymore.

Bonnie turned her eyes to the next one in line. "Louis?"

Louis was covered from neck to toe in long sleeves and trousers. He wore a jumper too big for his petite body and the color raised in his cheeks when he realized everybody was paying attention to him. He had doe like blue eyes and thin pink lips -- his features were small, almost elfin like. When he walked into the room he moved gracefully, bounding with such grace only a dancer could behold. He licked his lips nervously and tugged at the end of his sleeves.

"Yeah." His voice broke.

"Why are you here?"

"I self harm." it seemed like he was going to keep his answers to a minimum.

She rolled her eyes affectionately. "Yes, but why, dear?"

His eyes snapped from the floor to hers in an instant. "And why should I tell you?" he hissed very much angry.

She leaned back in her chair shocked at such response. "You don't have to but its just better once you talk about it. And once its better the sooner you get out of here. You all want to get out of here, don't you?"

"Yeah," we all chorused simultaneously.

She nodded and moved to the next person in the circle. The next person in the circle had wide brown eyes, the color of milk chocolate. The took up most of the space on his thin face. His full pink lips took the other half -- not literally, of course. "Leeyum?"

He scoffed with a tiny smirk before shaking his head. "It's Liam."

"Well, why are you here, Liam?"

He shrugged nonchalantly and turned his head up to the ceiling, still looking at her. "Why are we all here? We have all intentionally tried to kill ourselves or we have all done something long enough to kill us." Zayn flinched visibly in his seat.

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