Chapter 10

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(Duncan's POV)

I place my hand over the cold metal and twist the handle, pushing lightly against the door to walk inside the room. The first thing I see a clean white wall, a large window with a light blur curtain draped across it. I turn my head to the side and a lifeless Courtney comes into view, a pained and uncomfortable look set upon her features. My breath hitches in my throat after seeing the many physical changes she had done to herself, the hair being the most obvious. Several needles with tubes connected her to each of the several machines surrounding her, one of them giving out a constant double beep signalling her still being alive.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and approached the bed, taking a seat on the chair placed beside it and taking ahold of her hand. "Hey Court," I begin, my hand roughly grazing the stubble on my chin, "I guess today has turned out a little differently than I expected." I say and laugh humourlessly at my observation. "For starters, I had this whole adventure planned out for you, with little presents at some of the places you would've ends up in. And then you'd hopefully forgive me for what I did and maybe even become my girlfriend again after I asked you to do so." I explain while rubbing my fingers against her soft hands. "I feel like what has happened is somehow my fault, and that I could've been there to stop this before it happened. You probably want nothing to do with me." I admit, and rub my hand over my face. "I should probably go." I decide, as I stand up. I take one last look at her resting figure and head towards the door, exiting the room a few seconds later.

"Where are you going?" Bridgette's asks after seeing me begin to make my way out of the hospital. I stop briefly and turn around to face her. "She probably doesn't even want me here, so why wait around until she wakes up. If she wakes up." I tell her, then keep walking and leave the building.

I feel my phone vibrate, so I jam my hand in my pocket and pull the device out. 'Gwen', it reads. I rolled my eyes at the named that appeared, and pressed on decline. A few seconds later I receive another call from her. I scoff as I answer her call. "Yes?" I snap through the phone. I hear her sigh through the other end of the line before replying. "Bridgette texted me saying that Courtney is in hospital, and I wanted to know how she's doing." She explains. "Why do you even care?" I say through gritted teeth, trying not to shout as I am still in a public space. "She still is my friend, you know." She defends herself. "Then just go visit her! I'm sure she'll be thrilled to see you." I reply before hanging up on her.

I start my car and put the radio on. American Idiot by Green Day starts blasting through the speakers, one of my favourites songs of all time (low)(sorry I just had to reference All Time Low).

(Bridgette's POV)

I scroll through Twitter on my phone while I sit in front of the resting Courtney. I put it down once I see her eyes begin to flutter open. She opens her dark eyes and blinks rapidly a few times to adjust to the lighting, before noticing my presence. "How are you feeling?" I ask her after calling over a nurse to inform her of Courtney's awakening. A woman hurries over to check on the machines and Courtney. "All these crossed wires are just making me tired." She mumbles out, her energy being drained out by the devices around her. "I guess your just going to have to put up with them for now." I admit sadly. We remain silent for a few moments before I decide to speak up.

"You know, Duncan was here earlier." I tell her. That seemed to captivate her attention as all her focus was on me now. "It's true. You had him worried sick." She seemed to scoff at this. "That guy is unable to feel things for others, worrying is just a whole other level." She laughs humourlessly. "But he was though. He left because he knew you wouldn't want anything to do with him." She suddenly seemed to give off a slightly cheerful and hopeful vibe. "Did he actually?" She asks. "Yes. He still really cares about you." I say and see her expression change to a more serious one. "Do you think it's too late?" She questions. "For what exactly." I ponder. "Is it too late to bring us back to life?"(if you get this reference I love you) she pauses for a few seconds. "Our relationship. Do you think it's too late to revive it?" She looks up at me. "Not at all."


I wrote this in an hour sorry for such bad quality. So um yeah I haven't updated in a while but hey I had writers block and wasn't sure on how to continue this story. At least you got a new chapter😁😁😁!!!💕

QOTC: last song you listened to?
AOTC: Wings by Little Mix😂😂

Thanks for readinggggg!!!




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