when you first meet(your pov)

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I was walking from my friends house since my mom didn't pick me up on time. After I called home to make sure she was there I started on my way. I always had to walk through the woods to get to my house. I wasn't the kind of person to get scared of a forest but this one in particular looked a bit strange. I've heard lots of stories about these woods. They're called slender woods because its believed that slenderman lives there. I walked into the dark woods. "Goodness gracious! How big can these woods get!!" I said in frustration. Then I started yo hear static. It got louder and louder till I saw a very tall black figure appear in front of me. "W-w-who are you?" I asked. Then I heard a voice. "I was going to kill you, but pretty things are needed in this world." Was all I heard before he left. I decided it was a he by the sound of his voice. I looked around to see if he was lingering but I couldn't see him. I kept walking when I saw a break in the woods that led out. I was just about to walk out when I saw a note. 'See you soon my doll' it took it off the tree and ran home so my mom wouldn't be worried.

Jeff the killer
I was sitting in my room reading a book of super scary stories. I wasn't the kind of girl to get scared. I was one of those adventurous ones as my dad says. I was home alone but well equipped with karate skills, fast reflexes, and a very sharp knife. I heard a crash downstairs and grabbed my knife. "I wonder who has payed me a surprise visit." I said to myself as I walked to the source of the loud crash. When I got there I peeked around the corner and saw a boy around my age with shoulder length black hair, brunt off eyelids, a cut smile, black pants, and a bloodstained hoodie. He got up from the floor and rubbed his head. "Ow, who puts a glass table in front of the window?" He asked himself. "People who don't want people jumping through their windows unnoticed." I said. He turned and sprang at me pinning me to the floor. "Go to sleep." He said about to stab me. "No thank you." I said flipping him over so that I was in top of him. "Listen buddy-" "my names Jeff." (hahahaha!!!! Vine reference!! No. No one. Ok) "ok then 'Jeff' I've heard about you. And just so you know I will not die because of you. Got it? Now get out of here before I actually hurt you." I said getting off him and watching him run out of my window. "I'll see you again (y/n)!" He yelled as he ran off into the night.

BEN drowned
I was in a local game stop to find a new game to play. I was a major gamer girl. I was looking for legend of Zelda since I loved that game. After looking for a while I found a game called legend of legend of zelda majora's mask. I brought it to the counter. "I'd like this game please." I said. "Oh this one is on the house." The salesman said. "Oh thanks!" I said taking the game and heading out the store. As soon as I got home I ploped the game in and started playing. After I beat the game text came on the screen. 'You shouldn't have done that' it said. "What? Be awesome?!" I said. Then the TV started to glitch. I scooted back. Then an arm reached out at me. "What the fuck!?!?" I yelled as a boy came out of the TV. He was dressed as Link and had bleeding eyes. "Wow your hot. I can't kill all that hotness. I'll see you later babe" he said going back into the TV. "What?" I said. As soon as I said that more text came up. 'Names BEN drowned " it said. Then I turned of the TV. "Ok bed time." I said climbing into bed.

I was on my way to the bakery to buy me some cheesecake. I walked in and ordered. "Wow your gonna eat all that cheesecake? Aren't you fat enough?" The boy behind the counter said. I recognised him. He was one of my bullies. He knew I was self conscious about my body size. I tried to ignore the rude comment. After he took my order I sat down and waited. A masked boy walked in and sat next to me. "Hey. Your really cute." He said. I looked around. "Who? Me?" I asked. He chuckled. "Of course you. I don't see any other cute people in here." He said. "Thanks um?" "Masky" he said. "(Y/n) nice to meet you." He said. Two orders came up. We both took one. Well I had three orders and masky had one. "Here let me help." He said taking two of the boxes. "Thanks" I said as we walked out. We got to my car he placed them in the trunk. "Thanks for your help masky." I said. He wrote something down and handed it to me. "Call me sometime. I'll see you again (y/n)." He said walking away.

I was taking a casual walk in the park when I saw a someone in a orange hoodie sitting all by themselves. I walked over. "Hey. How come your sitting all by yourself?" I asked sitting next to him. "Huh? O-oh. I'm j-just l-lonely." He stuttered. Which I had to admit it was pretty cute. "Its ok. I'll keep you company!" I said smiling. He looked up. I could see inside the hoodie and saw that he must've been wearing a mask with a big frowny face on it. "So what's your name?" I asked. "H-hoodie. W-what's y-your's?" He asked. "I'm (y/n). Nice to meet you hoodie!" I said. He took out a price of paper and folded it. "Here. U-unfold it w-when y-you get h-home. B-bye." He got up and left after giving me the paper. "Hmm. Looks like I should get home also." I said to myself. I walked home and sat on my couch. The piece of paper had read call me and had his number on it. "That's sweet." I said drifting off to sleep.

Ticci Toby
I was walking through an ally on my way home. All of a sudden I was against the wall with a hatchet at my neck. "Please don't kill me." I begged hoping the attacker would let me go. "I *tic* won't." The person said moving the hatchet from my neck. I sat on my knees on the ground. He sat on the ground with me. I actually got a good look at his face. He had very pale skin, orange goggles, and a mouth guard. "Sorry I *tic* tried to kill you," He said. "I thought *tic* you were someone *tic* I could kill but *tic* your to bea*tic* beautiful." He said. I was shocked that someone would say something like that to me. "Thanks. I'm (y/n)." I introduced myself. "I'm Ticci Toby. Nice to meet you (y/n)." He said. "Same here." I smiled and got up. "Well i've got to get going. Here." I wrote my number on a spare piece of paper and handed it to him. "Call me. We can meet up again sometime. Bye!" I said walking away leaving Toby in the ally.

Dark Link
I was laying in bed when someone crashed through my window. "Ah!!!" I screamed and the person had a sword at my throat. "P-p-please. Don't kill me." I begged. The person who happened to be a boy looked at me. I looked back with pleading eyes. He gaze soften. He removed his sword. "*sigh* I can't kill someone with that face." He said. I moved back so there was some distance from us. "W-who are you?" I asked. "I'm dark link. Nice to meet you." He said sheathing his sword making me relax a bit. "I'm (y/n)." I said. "Cute name. I've got to get going so here." He handed me his number. "Call me and we can see each other again." He said jumping through the window

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