When You Are On Your Period

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Slendy- emotional
You were on your monthly and were very sad. Why? You had spilled your milk. "Sweetheart? Whas the matter?" Slender asked. You cried more and hugged his leg(the size difference was large). "S-s-slendy I-I spilled m-my m-m-milk!!!" You cried and hugged him tighter. He was confused but soon understood. "Do you happen to be on your monthly?" He asked. You nodded. For the rest of the day he sat with you in a pile if stuffed animals watching Disney movies.

Jeff- bossy
You were sitting on the couch watching a movie with Jeff when you got hungry. "Jeff go get me some food." You said. "Why can't you get it yourself?" He questioned. "I. Said. Get. Me. Food. Jeff." You said in a scary voice making the smiling killer run up and go in the kitchen. He came out with a load of snacks. "Thank you." You said kissing his head. "Your welcome." He said sitting next to you. You had to explain the whole thing to Jeff afterwards. He is at your beck and call whenever mother nature tells you your not pregnant.

Ben- horny
Ben was play his game boy while you tried to get his attention. "Ben. Ben. Baby." You said over and over. Finally you started to kiss his neck. Jeff walked in. "Don't fall for it BEN! She's on her period!" He yelled as he went to the fridge. "On her what?" Ben asked looking up. You sat in front of him and explained a girls period to him. Let's just say he will stay a safe distance from you when it comes around.

Masky- sleepy
On your period you were very tired. "(Y/n)? You in here? Its time for breakfast." Masky said. "No!" You said and raised your hand behind you as you were kayin face down in bed. Lunch time came. "Time for lunch!" "No!" Same thing happened. Masky knew you were in your period and would not stop till you were out of bed. He failed and ended up sleeping with you.

You had spent the whole day before gathering snack's. "U-um (y/n)? W-w-what a-are you d-doing?" Hoodie asked. "I would love to tell you but it may scare you for life. So come cuddle." You said sitting on the floor surrounded by snacks which were mostly cheesecake. "O-ok." Hoodie said sitting next you and wrapping his arms around you and feeding you snack's. Afterwards hoodie asked why you had all those snacks and went to the bathroom every few hours. "Ok I'm so sorry hoodie but," and you explained it to him. He just hugged you glad you don't get angry when your on it.

Ticci Toby- hyper
You were literally bouncing off the walls. "(Y/n)! Where are *tic* you?! I made *tictic* waffles!" Toby called from the kitchen. "Waffles?! Waffles!!!" You yelled running to the kitchen and jumping as Toby gave you a whole stack. You ate it in merely two minutes. "That was really good." You said growing sleepy. "Yep cause I put some *tic* sleeping pills in *tic* the batter. Now come on let's wait for this *tic* whole thing to *tic* end." And he carried you upstairs and laid you in bed.

Dark Link- affectionate
You were lying in bed suffering from cramps when darkness walked in. "Darkness. Cuddles. Now." You said. He shrugged and got in bed with you wrapping his arms around your waist. "Your on your period aren't you?" He asked. "Yeah." You said. "Ok." He said and cuddled with you the rest of the day.

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