when he gets feelings for you (his pov)

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I was sitting with (y/n). She's so beautiful, graceful, and carefree. I think I love her. But what are the chances she would love me back? I think their pretty slim. But I think I should at least try.

I was just sitting on the couch at the mansion thinking about (y/n). Her hair, the way she styles it. Her physical a d mental strength. I think I love her. But she probably won't love me back.

I couldn't stop thinking about (y/n). She was the hottest thing since fire. Her personality is just amazing. I don't think I've felt this way about anyone before. I want to be that special person in her life.

(Y/n) is so cute when she's shy. I'm so glad I met her. I wonder if she would like me the way I like her? Probably not. But it never hurt to try right?

I love that I met (y/n). She is the best thing that's ever happened to me. She is like my ray of sunshine. My life would be all lonely without her.

Ticci Toby
Omg!!! I love (y/n)!!! She doesn't make fun of my twitch, or ticking. I think I love her!! Not think know! Its like an anime but the other way around!!!

Dark Link
I love her. I don't even know why. She gave me that look and I couldn't kill her. I have feelings for her and only her. I wonder if she knows. I should tell her.

Jeff: done! Boom baby! Look at this smooth shit right here
Me: Jeff I'm in my pizza moment
Jeff: come on I did it for you
Me: no
Jeff: touch
Me: slides finger across small part of leg
Jeff: you don't give me any satisfaction. I went through hell you know. Now give me satisfaction. Touch it feel it.
Me: licks finger
Jeff: no.
Me: about to touch leg
Jeff: oh don't do it! Grabs hand
me: ok Jeff I get it let go your hurting me! Um your leg are so hot I could fry an egg on it.
Jeff: really?
Me: y-yeah. The hottest smooth legs.

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