when they get sick

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He was curled up in bed with a cold. So you being the loving girlfriend you are you took care of him. You gave him soup end he was hungry, and cuddled when he was cold. "Doll if you keep doing this your going to get sick." He said softly cause he had a sore throat. "Don't worry I don't get sick that easily. Now stop speaking or your throat won't get better." You said kissing his head. He smiled softly and nodded. He turned over and fell asleep. You sat in a chair by him and read a book.

Jeff the sick killer
Jeff had been killing in the rain again and had a cold. You were being as sympathetic as you could. "I-" "Don't you say a word." He said wrapped up in blankets.
"So. I told you so." You laughed. "god dammit (y/n)." He said pulling the blanket over his head. "I love you to jeffy."

Ben had been throwing up like every hour today and you didn't know why. Slenderman said it was a stomach bug but you thought he had just eaten some bad food. "Ben you need to drink it." You said holding a spoon of medicine to his mouth. He shook his head. "No! It tastes like pure crap!!" He protested. "How would you know what crap tastes like?" You asked. He paused. "Oh uh." He said keeping his mouth slightly open for some reason. You took the opportunity and shoved the spoon in his mouth making him swallow it. He gagged. "Ach! Its going to kill me!!" He yelled. You looked at him and rolled your eyes. "Y/n your going to kill- oh wait I feel a bit better." He stopped yelling. "I wanna cuddle." He said wrapping his arms around you. "Ben you better not get me sick." You warned. "Pfft please I'm past the contagious stage." He said. You laid your head on his shoulder and you two cuddled.

"Masky what did I tell you?" You asked as you brought Masky a bowl of soup. He groaned. "Not to eat the cheesecake if it has green fuzzy stuff on it." He said holding his stomach. "Good. Now eat." I said. He opened his mouth and ate some soup. He finished it and curled up in all the blankets he was under. "Poor baby. " you said. "Can I have cheesecake?" He asked. "Are you kidding? No your gonna throw it up then- Masky!!" You yelled as he tried to get the cheesecake. "But but-" "but nothing. Go to bed." You ordered. He pouted and went back to bed.

Your poor Hoodie had gotten sick from being around a sick Masky. "Y-Y/n m-my s-stomach h-hurts." He said curling up on your lap. "Well that's why you don't hang around sick people hoodster." You said petting his head. "B-but he n-needed c-company." He said still holding his stomach. "He said groaning. "He has his girlfriend. Don't worry Hoodie, he'll be fine." You said. "O-ok." He said curling up and taking a nap.

Sicky Toby
Toby had been eating too much waffles and now if he even looked at food he wouldn't eat it. "Come on toby. You have to eat something." You said. He had a huge stomach ache but due to not being able to feel pain it didn't bother him. But his stomach was making gurgling noises. "But I don't want anything." He said. "Toby Senpai will you please eat some soup. For your y/n chan?" I asked. He perked up. "Ok maybe a little food." He gave in. "Yay!" I said and got him some soup.

Sick link
"Darkness get off! Your gonna get me sick!" You said trying to pry yourself out of his grip. "But you have to cuddle with me." He said holding in you tighter. "I will, when you aren't sick and infected!" I said getting out and running away to the safety of the bathroom. "Aw come in y/n it's not even contagious." He said outside the locked door. "Haha you thought! There ain't no way I'm getting sick today." You said sitting in the bath tub. "Fine. I'll just wait for you. Yiu still need to eat." He said sitting down. Jokes on him. You had that whole room stacked with food. You could stay there for a whole month.

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