when you meet another pasta

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Dark Slenderman
"Slendy are you sure he's gonna like me?" You asked nervous. "Dark link has a girlfriend of his own I believe I think you'll be fine." He said. Soon said pasta walked through the door. "Hey slender." He said. "(S/gf/n)? Is that you?" (D/gf/n) asked. Sure enough she was (d/gf/n) friend from school. "Wow so your dating the boss. Nice!" She said. After talking everyone just sat and relaxed.

My names Jeff drowned
"How long is this ben boy gonna take! And why won't you let me go pee!" You yelled at jeff. "Ugh fine just hurry up!" He said. You rushed off to the bathroom. You came back to see a girl and a boy pop out od the TV. "So where's that girlfriend of yours Jeff? Huh?" A boy dressed as link asked. "Right here." You said. "(J/gf)? What are you doing here?" (B/gf) asked. "Me? What are you doing here?" (J/gf) asked. "I asked you first." "I asked you second." Then you two hugged. "My girlfriend is so hot." BEN said. "So is mine." Jeff said. "Mine is hotter." BEN said. "No mine is." And theu argued on which of you was hotter.

Masky and hoodie
"Who's hoodie?" You asked. "My best friend." Masky replied. "Oh. My best friend is dating a boy who always where's this hoodie." You said. "Oh there she is! Hi!!!" You said running to her. She was like a big sister to you. "Hey (m/gf)! It's been an eternity!" She said. "Masky is that hoodie?" You asked. "Yeah. Sup hoodie?" Masky said. "N-nothing m-much. H-how bout y-you?" Hoodie asked. "Aw he's SOOOO adorable!!!!" His girlfriend squealed hugging him. Together you ate cheesecake and talked about life.

Toby sempie
"Hey (y/n) I want you to meet my friend clockwork." Toby said literally dragging you through the creepypasta mansion. "Who's clockwork?" You asked. "Another pasta." He said. "Hey clocky! I have someone who wants to meet you!" Toby yelled. "Yeah who?" A girl with brown hair, a pocket watch for an eye, and a sort of stitched smile asked. "My girlfriend (y/n)." He said proudly. "Wow nice going tobster." She said. "I'm gonna get some waffles you two talk." Toby said leaving. "So how's Toby?" She asked. "What he's fine. We both loved anime so it kinda worked out." You said. "That's sort of why I left him." She said. "Left him?" You asked. "Yeah, I'm his ex girlfriend." She said. "Oh I get it! He wanted us to be friends so that we wouldn't hate each other." You said. "That sounds like Toby." Clockwork said. You two ended up talking about all the funny things Toby has done.

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