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Elijah and Dani walked back to Daniella's house and when she opened the door she was wrapped into a huge hug by her brother, or that's who Elijah assumed it was.

The short girl squealed loudly, "Jordan!" She giggled. Elijah looked at Jordan, he was tall and resembled Dani a lot. They both had black hair and blue eyes. The man was wearing an army uniform, "You're early!" She said excitedly. Elijah liked Dani's smile, and every now and then she'd smile with her teeth showing which was absolutely adorable to him.

"I'm just gonna go home." Elijah said to Dani and she nodded, "Okay, cya tomorrow." She said with a smile. Eli smiled back before running upstairs to get his stuff before leaving.


His walk home was pleasant, there were no interruptions and he got to see the beginning of a sunset which was nice. He walked into his home without taking the ladder for once.

"Hi dad." Elijah smiled, he wasn't drunk. His dad waved him off, "Go upstairs." He mumbled, still watching whatever was on the television. Eli obeyed and walked upstairs to his room. He took out his laptop and the camera and started uploading his photos to the computer. He stopped a few times to change what was playing on Spotify but that's about it.


The next day Dani's brother drove her to school. They went out to dinner the night before and basically just spent a lot of time together.

"Bye Jordan." Dani said before getting out of the car. Her brother waved as he moved the car away from the school. When she walked into the building, Dani saw Elijah walk into the counselor's office. It was odd to her but she ignored it.

She shrugged it off and walked to History, she was gonna see him there anyways.


Elijah and Ms. Falls were talking about him needing to get out more. She suggested him signing up for the art club because he made pretty realistic drawings but Eli didn't cope with people that well. "Just consider it, okay? Now get to class." The middle aged woman said with a chuckle.

Elijah smiled and walked off to his History class. It wasn't until he was outside the door he realized the counselor hadn't given him a pass.

He knocked on the door since he knew it was locked and the teacher answered, "Where were you?"
"Do you have a pass?"
"Okay, detention for lying."

Elijah didn't say anything else, he didn't need to draw attention to himself with an argument with the teacher. She handed him the pass and continued her class.

Elijah felt a pair of eyes burning through his skull through the whole class period.

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