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Okay so I go on line to find topics to bitch about right?

This is what I found:

48.Inequality of the sexes.

49.Men who beat their wives.











60.Cities where people lack civic sense.


I talk about any of these and shit is going to go DOWN. (I will probably end up talking about all of them anyways....)

Except 58 because who knows what the f that is....

But, just cause it's on there, and it's a topic I deeply despise, let's talk about sexism folks.

Get the popcorn stretch your legs and put on your happy face because your gonna be here a while.

Okay, so sexism.

One word to describe sexism.


It is pointless a shit.

You wanna know why.

Well to bad because I am going to tell you.

Sexism is pointless because what the hell is the difference between males and females.

Genitalia, that's fucking it.

So what in God's green Earth makes a man or woman think they are better then each other?

Here are some facts about sexism (males thinking they are better then females):

Women report attempting suicide about three times as often as men.

The main reason is depression and being treated like nothing all day is one of the main causes. (BY MEN)

•49.75% of the world's population is women.

Therefore, almost half of the people in the world are being discriminated against badly.

•Women don't get the same salary as men for the same effort.

Women don't get the same salary as men, even if they work as hard.

Do you see how much shit that is?

And some of you are gonna be like, "Whatever Morgan, your pulling these facts out of your ass."


That's the website look it up, bitch.

Us females, get less money for a job then our male co-workers simply because we were born with vaginas.

•Women get paid 77 cents on the dollar for every dollar a man makes, according to a recent study from the Institute for Women's Policy Research. That's a difference of more than $10,000 per year on average.

These are all coming from Google. SO don't believe me look it up.

Here are some more:

•In addition to making less money than men in comparable jobs, women are also more likely to end up doing low-paying work. Sixty percent of minimum wage workers are women. And nearly two-thirds of part-time workers are women, according to the joint economic committee report, and part-time workers earn less per hour than their full-time counterparts.

•Women face a variety of unconscious stereotypes in the workplace that hold them back, like: They don't need more money because they're not the primary breadwinners, they can't do certain jobs that are considered "men's work," their supposed to act a certain type of feminine in the workplace, they're not committed to their jobs because their the primary caregivers to their kids. In addition, office cultures are often dominated by norms better suited to men.

•Women also face more safety risks at work than men. Of the 11,717 sexual harassment charges brought in 2010, 83 percent came from women, according to AOL Jobs.

All facts.

Men earn a difference of $10,000 a year because of one things.

They have a penis.

That's it. That is the one reason they get more money then us.

And the 83% sexual harassment is a topic for another time.

But guess what men?

You were all once females.

Your ovaries dropped downs and became your balls.

SO guess what you were once female too.

Don't believe me?

Google it.

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