Welcome to this shit!
Okay *rubs hands together* lets get started shall we?
Type 1. Bitches who be correcting 24/7
..... AKA Grammar Nazis....Okay these are the little shits that correct you EVERY TIME YOU MAKE ONE ERROR ON ONE THING!!
After we left Grandmas we went to the store I couldn't believe everything I was seeing!
And then Grammar Nazis be like:
WHAT IS THIS FUCKING SHIT?!?! IT GOES LIKE THIS: "After we left Grandma's, we went to the store. I couldn't believe everything I was seeing!" YOU INCOMPETENT FOOL!! GOD!
Or they do this..
** Grandma's,
** store.And it's like bitch did I hire you as my personal editor? No. So shut the fuck up and go away.
Unless I specifically say: Feel free to point out my mistakes (WHICH I USUALLY DO) don't correct me.
And if you have to, like you feel the undying need to correct someone.
Try this:
Hey! I love your book it's absolutely amazing! Just wanted to stop by and say its you're not your. Just a silly mistake, just thought you should know though! :)
You see that. Beautiful.
B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-LMakes everyone happy.
That smiley face makes fucking rainbows.
Don't be a pesky grammar nazi.
Nobody likes them.
Okay so now that nazi are out of the way!!!
Type 2. Book Slashers
......AKA bitches who be commenting bitch like things....Okay so this is the comment where you see someone go: THIS IS FUCKING STUPID I HATE IT I AM DONE READING THIS SHIT!!
And it's like Chapter 23 out of 30
Like really.
Constructive Criticism is one thing.
Outright hating on a book is a whole other thing.
Like if you were reading a book and your just like: This book is shit.
Okay three things.
1. Think of how that author, who put her/his time into a book that they were proud of, feels now.
Yeah like shit.
2. Think of all the commenters who think your a ride ass fücking bitch.
A lot.
3. Think of all the different ways you could of said it.
A lot.
You could have said: hey just wanted to give you some constructive criticism and say that your plot line is a little confusing and some of your characters are really underdeveloped. Perhaps next time you write you can improve on them? Thanks for reading and hope you have a good day! :)
The smiley face makes it all good.
And plus who the fuck do you think you are to judge someone else for their book? Constructive criticism or not: it's not your book.
The author could simply respond and tell you to take your constructive criticism and jack off to it because they dont give a flying fuck what you think of it.
Summary:Nazis-stop being so nazi like and predictable. Stop pissing everyone off with your ***
Slashers- stop slashing and being such a dick.
True Cupcake
Kiss my A$$
HumorJust some rants, discussions, topics. The gist. You don't like it? Kiss my ass.