Chapter 9

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I try to struggle against the hand that has grabbed my mouth but whoever it is, is too strong. I am now completely helpless. My pendant begins to glow and another hand quickly reaches down to grab my necklace. Strangely though, it doesn't rip the necklace off, it simply holds it as if trying to cover the light and prevent it from lighting us up and giving away our position.

I can hear the scraping and clawing sound of the figure getting closer to me. It almost sounds like one of those horror movies where a killer is dragging an axe. Except this 'killer' has multiple axes in its possession. The sound of it makes my ears hurt.

As my eyes adjust to the darkness, I find it easier to focus on the sporadic moves of the creature that approaches. One moment they are fluid, like water, seamless. The next they are jerky and uncoordinated. When the figure is about 10 feet away from where I am being held, I realize that I am too afraid to fight. And that is when I notice its eyes. They are not human. They are set close to the middle of the shape and they are bright yellow. They are moving from side to side, scanning, never blinking.

I hope it will be quick I think to myself as I picture its claws ripping open my stomach and spilling my guts all over the alley. I hope dad got away is all I can think.

"Shhhh" is whispered very softly in my ear and the grip on my body and mouth tightens.

A terrible screech pierces the night air that causes me to jump. I would have screamed for sure if the hand hadn't been covering my mouth so tightly. The figure that was almost on top of us, stops, looks toward my house and vanishes over the fence. Its movements are much more precise and purposeful. And in an instant, it's gone.

From out of the shadows, Alexander appears in front of me looking scared out of his mind. His face is pale and he looks weak. The hand that is over my mouth lets go and I break away from the arms rushing to Alexander. He looks up at me and smiles. I guess jumping does take a lot out of him. It's been multiple jumps in about fifteen minutes.

"We have to get out of here." Alexander says with some panic in his voice. "Now."

"Where are we going to go?" I ask

"I know a place." Says the figure who up until a moment ago had his hands over my mouth. I recognize the voice immediately and I realize that the hand was not there to hurt me, it was there to protect me. Out of the shadow steps a figure I know, a figure I love. Out of the shadow steps my dad.  

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