So From JanetVanDyne What was Budapest really like?
Natasha: Of course the first question!
Clint: What was Budapest really like... hmmm I would say amazing yet difficult.
Natasha: CLINT! Don't tell them anything! Or I will hurt you!
Clint: You need to calm your feathers Nat!
Natasha: H*ll to the no! That is Classified information and if you tell her I will skin you alive and anyone else that finds out!
Clint: She is only asking how it was!
Nat: Oh... Sorry it's just...
Clint: Ya I know Nat. Well Anyways Budapest was fun and amazing and difficult and tense.
Nat: Agreed.
Clint: OK so sorry if you disliked this awnser but we are trying our best! Post more questions in the comments below and vote! Thanks to JanetVanDyne for asking us the first question! Hope to get more!