Question 8

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From avengingwolves: Do you guys like dogs? and What's your Favorite animal?

Clint: Do we like dogs? Hmmm never really thought about it I mean SHIELD doesn't let us have pets...

Natasha: No dogs remind me of the prison I was forced to train in when I was a small child. They used dogs to keep us from running.

Clint: So Nat... no dogs if we ever get a normal life... got it. oh and ya dogs are alright I guess. They are fun to play fetch with and stuff. I had one when I was in the circus. It was a stray just like me and my brother. God I loved that dog.

Natasha: Clint we can have one as long as it isn't a German Shepard... and why didn't you ever tell me about that dog?

Clint: Idk anyways I love hawks. The way they are able to fly around free from gravity. The way nothing really seems to scare them.

Natasha: My favorite is the Black Widow spider. They can possibly kill you without a warning other then feeling the bite.

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