Question 12

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From: lunathegreat: So one question I have for the two of you!!!

now IF

you guys where to get to together and have a kid what would you name your kid? I'm kind of doing a fanfic when you two have a kid... so I need a name andn what kind of kid it would be and would he or she be more like into bows and arrows or into fighting more like the Black Widow?

I'm just saying IF so please answer!!!???

Nat: Well I can tell you what I would want my kid to be named and sutuff but Clint will have to answer that when he gets back so don't just take my words. My kid would be a female and I would probably name for Natalie Francis Barton and she would like using the bow and she would like guns. She would also be a great fighter like me. If you want other names let me know :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2013 ⏰

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