Chapter 2 - Chocolate

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(f/n) looked at a sign that was placed next to a wooden door. In it was written "Ackerman" with a boring font that could be found in school's any sign or label. She stared at a doorknob in front of her thinking that she was going to have to do it; her all plans to avoid having to stay after school had failed and there was no escape anymore. She had tried to fake a huge migraine and then faint, but it didn't work since she only got sent to a nurse who gave her one pill of paracetamol and said to survive with that. After that she tried to behave so badly that she would get detention and hence not being able to stay with Levi after school, but she only got a reprimand from the principal and a call to her parents. She also tried to drink from some random bottle at chemistry class so that she would puke and then she would get sent home, but it didn't work either, because her teacher saw her doing that and now she has an appointment with a psychologist tomorrow. Yup, her plans didn't work out like she wanted them at all.

Well actually she wasn't even that reluctant to do the homework with Levi, but it had become more of a matter of principle to her than just staying after school. Plus she was dead tired and hungry and could collapse on the floor anytime so the thought of doing math didn't sound very compelling. Also in this state where her brains were almost dead she couldn't even make her witty sarcastic comebacks like she normally would.

"Goddammit I'm losing my personality here. I want to go home... I miss my cat and my bed and the food in the fridge. Except pickles. Fuck pickles."

She sighed and lazily knocked on the door.

"Come in", stoic voice said from inside and with that she opened the door and walked in. Levi was sitting behind an angled desk in front of a window. His face fixed on the screen of his computer and there was a coffee mug next to his keyboard. Sleeves of his shirt were rolled up and few buttons were unbuttoned. (f/n) stood there not knowing what to do so she just stared him. The situation became to grow awkward. After a moment or two, right when she tried to say something, Levi opened his mouth.

"What are you waiting for? Sit down and start studying, I don't have all day." He said coldly not even looking at her and proceeded to do whatever he was doing.

"...Alright." (f/n) grabbed a chair that was next to the wall and sat down on the other side of the desk. She pulled out her math book, calculator and pencil case. Her notebook was almost empty with lone few cat scribbles and computations she had done during the classes. Well, no wonder that it was so unfilled, because she had started to skip homework right from the second week of the school. In other words she had about two months' homework to do.

"I seriously am going to die."

"Mr. Teacher, do I have to do all the homework? Like every goddamn problem?"

"Yes. Here is a list of all problems from the book I have assigned your class to do. You don't need to do now the extra functions from the handouts I have given, just be sure to do them at home. Do you still have them?"

(f/n) vaguely remembered that he indeed had given some papers, but she had just thrown them somewhere in her backpack so she shook her head slightly. Levi didn't even look irritated anymore, he just looked at her with a fed up expression and she didn't know which was worse; his normal cold impression or this new tired "I-just-can't-do-this-anymore" look.

"I should have guessed so. I will go print you new ones later and this time, take care of them and don't lose them brat. Show me your calculations after every ten problems and if you need any help just ask." And with that they both fell in to the silence.

(f/n) tried to do the problems. She really tried. The first dozen went pretty well but after that her brains just slowly stopped working.

"Mr. Teacher, here's the next ten calculations I did." She handed over her notebook to Levi. He started to scan over the calculations she had made but almost immediately frowned.

Problems - Teacher!Levi x Reader (Modern au)Where stories live. Discover now