Chapter 5 - Aroused

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(f/n) was shocked, flustered, flushed and didn't know what to say or what to do. Levi's words floated in her mind, bouncing left and right, up and down for so long that she didn't understand what they meant anymore. Since her mind had pressed the stop button and lost all capability of working properly she let the warm feeling inside her chest decide for her body's next actions. In only a few seconds she had pounced up from her seat and grabbed Levi's cheeks across the desk before fiercely lashing her lips against his.

Now she definitely wished that she hadn't misunderstood Levi's words.

The kiss was sloppy and harsh and totally came out of nowhere for Levi but it didn't take long before he kissed back greedily. But as soon as he started to get worked up, (f/n) broke the kiss. Levi groaned slightly in irritation as he was impatient to continue. But he didn't do anything as he waited her to make the next move.

"I... I..." (f/n) panted. Her eyes were closed and cheeks flushed red.

"You what?" Levi asked more impatiently than he meant to. (f/n) let out the last exhale as she raised her head, staring right into Levi's eyes.

"I can't help it either!" She exclaimed before pulling Levi back to another intense kiss. His eyes widened little as he felt something flutter inside his stomach, a feeling he hadn't felt in a long, long time.

"Ah fuck..." He breathed against (f/n)'s lips wanting more, needing more. All of his bottled up feelings, feelings that he had denied and putted aside were released. They filled him and made every part of him feel ecstatic and heated up. He slipped his hand behind (f/n)'s head trying to pull her closer but it didn't quite work since they still had the desk between them, separating them awkwardly. This time it was Levi who broke the kiss.

"Come here." He demanded as he let go of (f/n) and sat back on his chair. (f/n) quickly went around the desk but stopped in front of Levi with a confused face.

"Uhh..." She looked at him sit on his chair, still slightly panting and sweat forming on his forehead. "Does he want me to sit on his lap?!"

"What? I said come here." Levi said, spreading his hands out little bit to indicate her to come. She cautiously moved on top of him wishing she wouldn't feel too heavy to him.

"Closer." Levi said sharply as he pulled (f/n)'s waist so that she literally sat on top of his, well you surely know what. She felt a bulge against the area between her legs and it didn't take long for her to realize what it was. Embarrassment crept up on her face as she subconsciously raised her hips and shifted around uncomfortably.

"Ah stop moving so much..." Levi groaned while gritting his teeth. "You're making me- uhm this harder for me..." He added quietly, only with a whisper under his breath but (f/n) even so heard it making her stop abruptly. "My face must be like a fucking tomato right now... Ah well fuck it" .

She had put her hands on top of Levi's shoulders resting them there gently. Levi's hands oppositely roamed her body, softly rubbing her sides.

"Relax..." He whispered on her ear. Shudders went up and down (f/n) body making every part of her body tingle in the most wonderful way.

"Have you ever touched a man before?" Levi asked.

"Uhh... No." She averted her gaze as she said that. It was kind of embarrassing to admit it since most girls of her age had already done and experienced nearly everything you could in the bedroom. The stories she had heard from other girls were wild and something that felt really far away dream for her – but now here she was, making out and having some sexy time with her teacher in the middle of the school day.

Problems - Teacher!Levi x Reader (Modern au)Where stories live. Discover now