Chapter 7 - A surprise not so nice

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(F/n) stared at Levi.
"What, really?" She asked confused, her eyes widening.
"Yeah, that's what you wanted to do right?" Levi glanced at her and smiled lightly when he saw (f/n)'s face light up and her mouth turn into an excited smile. She nodded her head and huffed while turning her gaze back to road. She was so happy! All the gloomy thoughts and exhaust from before disappeared and now she was beaming with joy.
"A date?! With Levi?!! He's taking me out, for a date, a real date. A date date. The real thing. Omg."
So after all Levi was ready and willing to do something else with her than just making out and using her for satisfaction. The thought brought a certain kind of calmness on to (f/n)'s mind. Now her earlier behaviour seemed a little bit childish. Of course she should have known that Levi wouldn't just play her. Even though she didn't know him that well, she at least knew that Levi is not the player-fuckboy type of guy.
"What are we going to do?" She asked happily, not even trying to hide the anticipation in her voice.
"It's a surprise," Levi answered shortly and let out his lips to turn into a small smile.


Actually Levi didn't have any idea what they were going to do. He hadn't planned it that far. To tell the truth he had thought about only going to some diner, grab something to eat and that would be the date. But now that he saw how excited (f/n) was, he started to feel that it wouldn't be enough. He smiled nervously while his mind desperately tried to search for a plan to save up this situation.
After a while of thinking he decided to head for a mall few miles away from the school. It would be far enough to ensure that they wouldn't bump into someone from school who would know them. That would just cause unnecessary problems and be a pain in the ass to deal with so it was better to make sure it wouldn't happen. And he wanted to be able to spend time with (f/n) without a worry in his mind. Even though he was still kind of hesitant to admit it, he really looked forward for the date whatever it was what they were going to do.

It didn't take long for them to arrive to the parking lot. (F/n) jumped out of the car excitedly while Levi casually looked over the cars to see if there were any that would look too familiar. But there was none, only (f/n) who had already made her way to a sidewalk going through the parking lot and was waiting him there.
"I guess it's fine," he thought while giving the last glance around and then jogging to (f/n)'s side.

The mall wasn't that big and was more known of its movie theather than the mall itself. There were few teenager groups loitering around the benches near the Starbucks. Some random old dude was a hand deep in one of the trash bins fishing for whatever he was trying to find from there. Levi and (f/n) walked along the central part inside the mall, (f/n) window shopping and Levi trying hard to think of what to do.
"Oh look how cute shirt!" (f/n) exclaimed after a while. She was looking at a white off-the-shoulder shirt that a mannequin on the window was wearing.
"Do you want to try it on?" Levi asked her.
"No, I dont have to... It would be boring for you anyways."
"Nah, it's good. If you wanna go in we can." Levi shrugged. He still didn't have a plan so he was okay with doing anything.
"Ok then," (f/n) flashed a smile to Levi and walked in to the store. She went through few racks of clothes before taking out a hanger with the shirt from the shop window.
"Aw shoot, they don't have my size." She muttered while trying to compare if the size she was holding could match her body.
"I can go ask if they have it in the back." Levi gestured towards the sales lady at the register.
"No no, you don't have to, I can go by myself..."
"No I insist." Levi said and held out his hand ready to take the shirt.
"Well if you want to that badly," (f/n) said and gave the shirt to Levi. "Pft what a gentleman.."
"I'll be right back."
"Yeah ok."
(f/n) looked at the other clothes near her and brushed with her hand the sleeves of some sweaters hanging on a rack next to her. She walked slowly down the aisle feeling and touching every fuzzy or soft looking clothes.
"Who would even wear this..." She muttered to herself while looking at a weirdly shaped leather skirt with lace draped on top of it. Suddenly she heard a familiar voice behind her and felt an arm sneak its way around her shoulders.
"(f/n)! Didn't expect to see you here!"
(f/n) didn't even have to look at the person hanging on to her to know who it was. She quickly turned around and faced the emerald green eyes and a beaming smile only inches away from her face.


Wow look at that, it's been almost a year. I thought i would never update this story anymore but the life is full of surprises i guess. This was a short chapter because even i dont know whats going on anymore (i really need to catch up on my own story lmao). But hey, new chapter is here, enjoy, and maybe after another year i might write some more (no promises tho). Oh and merry christmas btw (=ω)

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