They're Gone

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"Hottie 12 o'clock" that is so Maddie we've been friends like since we were born. "Where where???" Yea being me I had to ask. "Over next to the water fountain" I look over and see him but then he turns and stares but his bright blue eyes lock on my dark chocolate eyes "Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn hello earth to Kaitlyn" me and him stare till a girl calls him into the store. "Sorry Maddie let's go home"

On our way home when we were on the highway we sw a 10 car pile up. "Man hey Kaitlyn I think I see you mom's car" I look over and sure enough it is her car. "OH MY GOD MOM DAD!!!!" I pull over and see them trying to get my parents out. I run toward their car but security tries to hold me back, but apparently when I'm scared and sad I get super human strength cause I got through like 10 cops. Once I'm by their car I hear my mom saying "where's my daughter where is she?!?" I wanted to say mom I'm here but the cops got me before I could say anything. I try screaming but it was to loud and I was sobbing so much that I barely made a noise. After about 20 minutes they finally got my mom and dad out but my dad died on the way out his seat belt was to tight that it stopped him from breathing. I thought seat belts were supposed to help people not kill them.

When they got my mom onto the ambulance they got me and told me to go with them Maddie followed us in her car. When we got to the hospital they told us to wait in the waiting room and they'd tell us when they get any news. About 6 hours later one of the doctors came out covered in blood but that's normal right, RIGHT. The way the doctor looked at me I knew something was wrong. " are you Kaitlyn" " yes sir" "your mother's surgery was very difficult and we did all that we could but she had to much damage" "OH NO, NO NO NO" I couldn't help but cry so loud. "I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO SAY GOODBYE IT CAN'T END LIKE THIS!?!" Why did this have to happen to me... to them.

Since I'm 18 I'm old enough where I can stay in the house if I wanted to but I didn't know if I could. After thinking a while I decided to stay it's what my mom and dad would've wanted. Little did you know that taking care of 5 horses and a dog is harder then it seems so I found the cheapest helper on Craigslist for only 20 dollars a week. The helper guy came a week later and he was the hottest guy ever then I realized it was the guy from the mall.

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