Ch. 3.

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Louis grabbed Liam's hair, yanking him up to his feet, making him wince in pain.

He then grabbed Liam's chin with one hand, the other holding onto the knife.

Liam's attention was drawn to the glinting knife that was moving closer and closer by the second. He flinched when the knife came close enough to easily cut his eye out.

Louis laughed, "Don't worry. I'm not going to kill you. Yet." He told Liam before he slowly laid the knife along Liam's cheekbone, all the way to his jaw, admiring the contrast between Liam's warm, slightly tanned skin and the cold knife.

"This is going to hurt. A lot," Before he even finished those words, he had pressed down lightly on the knife, the blade quickly slicing through the skin and flesh, laying it to the bone.

Liam screamed, a strangled, pain-filled screech, feeling as though Louis had pressed a red-hot brand into his skin, a burning hot liquid freely flowing down his cheek.

He squeezed his eyes shut against the pain, his teeth clenched and his legs threatening to buckle any second.

Louis laughed, moving his hand to the back of Liam's neck to hold him up, "Now, now. We don't want to ruin your face even more, do we?" He asked, still holding the knife to his cheek, the blade very slightly denting his bone, before finally pulling the knife away, the blood gushing from his cheek.

Liam whimpered at the pain that still remained in his cheek.

"Relax, babe. You'll be fine. I'll make sure you don't bleed out. I don't want to see your lifeless body just yet." He told him, reaching into his back pocket, bringing out a small bottle and an old bloodied rag.

Liam looked at him warily, "What is that?"

Louis didn't respond, finally letting go of his neck, letting him fall down onto the cold cement floor, probably leaving bruises on his knees, next to the small pool of blood that had gathered there before kneeling next to him.

He poured the liquid from the bottle onto the rag, the strong, almost nauseating scent of alcohol wafting towards him.

Louis grabbed Liam's chin, moving his head so that the cut faced him before roughly wiping off the cut with the alcohol-soaked rag.

Liam hissed in pain and tried to move away, but couldn't due to Louis tight grip on his chin.

"Stop struggling. Do you want to die?" Louis asked him, annoyed.

When Liam didn't answer, he smirked, "Good boy," He told Liam, continuing to wipe off the cut, the alcohol's painful sting burning his cheek.

Liam wanted to scream, but he didn't. Instead, he bit his lip. Hard.

After completely cleaning the wound, Louis ran his finger across the edges of the cut, making Liam flinch.

"Shh..." He told him, stroking his other cheek almost gently before touching the white bone that was almost protruding from his sking, "Beautiful..," He murmured quietly to himself making Liam flush slightly.

"W-Why..?" Liam found the strength to ask.

Louis looked up from the cut to his eyes, puzzled, "What do you mean by 'why'?"

"Why are you helping me?"

Louis looked at him for a few seconds before answering, "So that you last longer. Now. Tell me. Would you rather I cauterized it or to just let it heal on it's own," He asked.

After a few seconds, Liam quietly answered, "Heal..."

Louis chuckled quietly, "Coward. It may not heal properly like that, but whatever. Your choice," He told him before standing up, leaving Liam kneeling on the bloody ground, "I'll be back in a few days to clean it again. After all, what fun would you be if you died of infection?" He smirked before walking out, locking the door behind him.


"What did you do to him?" Louis heard after locking the door.

He turned on his heel to face the blonde-haired boy and smirked, "What do you think I did to him?"

The blonde's eyes narrowed, "Don't do this to him. He doesn't deserve it," He told him angrily.

"Hah. 'Deserve'. Nobody 'deserves' what they get. We have to just take it. Deserving has nothing to do with it. Also, you have no right to order me to do anything. You're just Zayn's boytoy. Don't you dare tell me what I should or shouldn't do," Louis told him, his eyes blazing with anger and just a hint of sadness, his fists clenching threateningly,, "Leave me alone. I can do whatever I want to do with him. I'll kill him, rape him, or anything else if I feel like it," And with that, he stormed off.

The blonde sighed sadly before unlocking the door and peeked inside.

He gasped at the pool of blood that was close to the door and again when he saw Liam slumped against the wall. He rushed inside, "Are you alright? What happened?" He asked, horrified.

Liam raised his head tiredly, revealing the terrible cut that marred his face.

The boy moved closer, "Oh my god," He said, examining the cut, flinching when he saw the bone.

"What are you doing in here, Niall?" Said a voice from the door.

Niall whirled to see Zayn at the door. He breathed a sigh of relief, "Look what Louis did to him," He told Zayn, gesturing towards the cut.

Zayn looked surprised but only shrugged, "He's Louis'. I have no say in what happens to him, Niall. i wish I could, but I can't," he told Niall, "Now, let's go," Zayn took Niall's hand and pulled him out of the room, locking the door again.

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