Chapter 5

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I woke up to screaming in the night. I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs, there I saw A shadow with a knife and saw Sara on the ground with her mouth saying the words "help me" then the shadow stabbed her and ran away. I say by Sara too scare to move or scream. She was alive but she wouldn't for long. I took my courage and yelled "HELP!" The sheriff came running in and yelled "get out of the house right now!!!" I ran out and I screamed the whole village woke up. Everyone was screaming and in panic when they saw Sara's corpse on the stretcher. Kitty and Hana where crying with me. I ran to Sara's corpse she wasn't dead just hurt i cried on her and wouldn't let go. My mother picked me up and carried me back inside and into my bed "Sweety calm down it's ok Sara will be okay." . "WILL SHE, THIS IS JUST LIKE EMMA!!!!!"  I got up and went to the horse hill it was where we always met. Galaxy looked at me with purple eyes and glared, Misty had noticed and look at me with cold eyes they followed me everywhere I went. I started to panic "there just horses, there just horses....." They kept moving closer. "Stay back!!!" Then came closer and closer then a horse appeared right in front of me and yelled "run" I ran away and got a glimpse of the horse white and dark brown......

"So you failed to kill her uggh you are ruining this for me!"
"I-I-I'm sorry."
I didn't get sleep that night or the next. I went to Sara's funeral and sat with Hana. Kitty was nowhere. "Do you know where Kitty is Rose?" "Um no I don't...." I kept silent the rest of the service.
When the service was finished Hana and I walked to the horse hill. I was determined to find that horse but not tell Hana In a way I didn't trust her. "What is happening in this place....." Hana cried. I rolled my eyes and gave her a hug. "I better find Gal.." Hana got up and ran to Galaxy. "Wait didn't Emma die from a horse why would you want to get on a horse now?" Hana glared at me and replied "just because she died does not mean I can't ride." Hana got on Galaxy and sighed "she actually died..." I thought: Sara had died in the hospital. Who was that shadow and why did it of all people kill Sara? I looked around and there I saw the horse I called Wonder, I ran up there but she disappeared before I could touch her. Hana didn't notice. Kitty showed up and yawned "hey guys what I miss..." I glared at her and yelled "OH NOTHING JUST SARAS FUNERAL!" Kitty didn't even act surprised "oh no....." Hana laughed "Kitty be serious." I looked at both of them they were laughing and talking and making jokes I didn't understand. "Guys Sara died don't you care?" They looked at each other "of course we do Sara would just want us to be happy....". Kitty laughed. I ran back home and ate cereal. Then I got on with my chores. My new job was tending to the animals- Emmas job- I fed the cows and pigs then finally the chickens they ate and went to sleep. I collected the eggs, then fed the goats. Finally I was finished, I walked back home, nothing was wrong-finally- I walked to my room and started to draw. I drew Wonder and her majestic mane. Then my mom walked in I flipped the page and said "oh hi..." "Are you ok Sweety?" I nodded. "So you are ok with Emmas job?" I nodded. "Ok just making sure I will go make lunch. " I looked at my watch 12:35. I wanted to go to sleep so I can have the dream and talk to Wonder. I sat on my bed just thinking when I saw her in my room!

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