Chapter 1

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"Nia!" my father calls from downstairs.

"Yes!" I call out trying not to sound annoyed.

"Why didn't you wash the dishes when you got home from school?!" His voice booms through the walls.

Fuck! I totally forgot about washing dishes. I was too busy caught up watching SpongeBob SquarePants.

Quickly, jumping out of bed I run downstairs. When I enter the kitchen, my father stares me down like he's getting ready to hit me. I walk over to the sink and run the water. As the water built up, I poured dish detergent in it. I put the dishes in the sink so they could soak a little. Turning the water off I grab a clean towel from out the drawer and placed it in the water. The hot water burns my hands but I'm not going to complain so I won't upset my father.

Twenty minutes later I'm done washing dishes. I clean off the counter, stove and the table. Before I could go back to my room, my father tells me to come here.

"Yes." I say walking slowly towards him.

He doesn't say a word he just strikes me in the face. I fall to the ground tears streaming down my face already.

"When I tell you to wash the dishes after school you do them right when you enter the house! Do you understand me?!" he yells hovering over me.

"Y-yes sir." I cry holding my right cheek.

"Go to your room now!" I get up from the floor and run to my room.

I enter my room running towards the bathroom. Opening the drawer I pull out a razor blade placed in a baggie.

I sink to the floor still crying. Placing the blade over my thigh I slowly lower it down. With one quick slice blood pours down my leg. The pain feels good, and it doesn't bother me that much. The cut isn't that deep but I cover it with a towel holding pressure to it.

I stand up from the floor and look at myself in the mirror. My father's hand print is shown on my face. Reaching up to touch my cheek it stings more than it did five minutes ago. I hate my father with a passion. He has anger problems and takes it out on me. Sometimes I wish he could just die in any minute and everything would be fine. Although, I still have to deal with my mother.

Later that night, I stayed in my room. I never went downstairs for dinner which is almost everyday. Its Friday so I don't have to worry about covering up the bruise on my face before going to school. My friends think I'm living a good life but they have no clue what really goes on in my life.

At school, I'm the most popular girl in eleventh grade. I have lots of friends and half of them I don't even like. The only person I talk to regularly is Kai. She's been my best friend since third grade.

I don't share too many secrets with her but she knows somewhat about the beatings. She tried to find me help a few times, and I always rejected her request. If my parents find out, they'll kill me. I always promised her if the beatings get worst, then we can find me some help.

A knock at the door startles me.

"Lights out now!" my mother yells turning my light off.

I pick up my phone and shoot Kai a quick text 'goodnight'. After I text her I put my phone on the charger and close my eyes. Tomorrow will be another day of hell.

this is my first story on here so it'll probably suck but idgaf. tell me your honest opinions & what I can do to make this story better. so yeah comment & vote please.

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