Chapter 10

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When I approached my hell hole, I took out my keys to unlock the door. I fiddled with the lock a little but managed to get it open. As soon as I entered I was hit in the face with a hard punch.

"Did you really think you were going to get away with slamming the door?" my father asks hovering over me. "Slam the fucking door again and see what you're going to get!"

Before he walked away, he kicked me hard in the stomach. A loud grunt left my lips. I laid on the floor crunched up in a ball, clutching at my stomach. A loud cry left my lips and that upset my father more.

"Get your ass upstairs! I'm trying to hear my sports!" he yells.

I covered, my mouth and slowly got off the floor. I climbed the stairs in pain, as I made my way to my room. My body collapses on the bed and I still clutch at my aching stomach. It hurt like hell.

My tears soaked the pillow I was laying on. I felt like I had to throw up, so I quickly ran into my bathroom and lifted up the toilet seat. Before I knew it all the food I just ate was emptying out of me. It was horrible. I kept gagging and more food came out.

A few minutes later, I managed to stop throwing up. I brushed my teeth, then rinsed out my mouth with Listerine. I, then took a quick shower before laying down since I had school tomorrow.

Jumping out of the shower, I walked back into my room to find something to wear. I found a long shirt and threw it on. Once I plugged my phone up to charge, I went straight to sleep. I knew Kai wanted me to text her, but she knows that if I don't text her something happened. She'll leave me a text simply saying, 'goodnight' or 'see you in the morning.'

6:00. My alarm wakes me up from the best sleep I was having. Groaning, I roll over and turned it off. It was the most annoying alarm clock ever! I hate it so much.

"Fuck!" I huff throwing my covers back.

My feet collide with the soft carpet and my legs make their way to the bathroom. I walk over to the sink and grab my toothbrush, with the toothpaste. I'm halfway sleep while I poured the toothpaste on my toothbrush. I accidentally made some drop on the floor, and grabbed a paper towel to wipe it up.

Taking care of my business, I went into my closest to find something to wear. It took me about five minutes to pick out an outfit. Today, I decided to wear blue ripped skinny jeans, a tank top and a cardigan with a pair of Toms.

I moved on to my hair and just put it in a high ponytail. I could give two fucks what I looked like today. I'm just ready to get this day over with. I put some lip gloss on then, grabbed my phone and headed downstairs for breakfast.

There was barely anything to eat, so I just ate some fruit and a pop tart. When I finished eating, I decided to shoot Kai a quick text.

Me: I'll be waiting outside for you

Kai: K

I grabbed my belongings and waited outside for Kai to pick me up. As I waited, I watched cars drive back and forth on the busy street. I can't wait to get my own car once I've moved out of this hell hole.

Five minutes later Kai shows up. I enter her car, and she gives me a warm hug. "What happened?" she asks.

"Huh?" I try to play dumb.

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