Chapter 7

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This is not my story! All credits go to The. Teal. Rose. on This story belongs solely to the author.

Chapter VII


"In this moment, there is plenty of time. In this moment, you are precisely as you should be. In this moment, there is infinite possibility."

― Victoria Moran

Inoue layed on the couch, sleeping deeply for countless hours, well past the typical period of rest her mind required. When she felt herself finally feel the first glimmers of consciousness she was not even aware how much time had passed.

Sitting slowly, though still a bit blearily, she brought a hand to her eyes and rubbed them gently. She stretched her arms over her head and then turned and suddenly inhaled in surprise.

"U-Ulquiorra, how long have you been sitting there?"

"Not long," came his reply before rising from the table across the room, "but now that you're awake I'll have your meal brought in."

Inoue looked away and then rose to a standing position, her legs still feeling a bit feeble from her sleep.

"Thank you," she meekly replied.

Ulquiorra looked to her then, as if sensing something was off.

Feeling his eyes upon her, Inoue looked to him and forced a smile. Her resolve from the previous day still fresh on her mind as well as the contemplations concerning the potential task the Espada before her would be entitled to carry out.

Regarding her silently, Ulquiorra stepped towards her, "Have you become ill?"

Inoue shook her head, "no." She laughed weakly, "I'm fine, really."

Seeing that he wasn't convinced, Inoue lowered her hand from its place upon her head and allowed her smile to dissipate. Silence followed a bustle of wind which swept past her as she debated how much, if anything, to reveal to the Espada before her.

Ulquiorra's face remained passive, though she saw a more guarded glint within his eyes as he awaited her explanation.

"What is going to happen to me?"

Her question hung within the air as if fate itself was tense and wary to reveal what his response would be.

The moments slipped forward and Inoue lifted her gaze carefully and looked to see that he was still silently observing her.

Then, turning his face to the side, Ulquiorra closed his eyes momentarily, before opening them and continuing to look away.

"Whatever Aizen-sama wills."

Inoue lowered her eyes, "I see."

Another silent interlude followed, in which neither looked to the other. Inoue had been granted the answer she sought, for without a doubt Aizen would order her death as soon as she had fulfilled her purpose. There was no other reason to keep her alive.

"Are you afraid?" He then asked, still averting his gaze.

As the question struck, Inoue took her time and analyzed every single thing that had befallen her. It did not take long however, to discover, the appropriate and unexpected response.

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