Chapter 35

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This is not my story! All credits go to The. Teal. Rose. on This story belongs solely to the author.


Chapter XXXV

Soft, Cascading Waves

"If I were the rain that binds together the Earth and the sky, whom in all eternity will never mingle

. . . Would I be able to bind two hearts together?"

-Tite Kubo

***(17 months later...Spring, Karakura Town)***

Orihime woke to the faint echoing of thunder, her eyes opening slowly to greet the early sun as its pale rays began to intercept and overtake the lingering effects of night. She absently gazed upon the gray and cloudy exterior beyond her window before turning and looking to the clock on her dresser.

'5:47', she noted silently. 'I still have a few minutes.' Her eyes then shifted to her closet, its door slightly ajar as was habit. Developed from a young age, her brother had suggested the method in order to dispel the threat of hiding monsters, effectively denying them the cover they would need to scare her.

'Oh good, I remembered to wash my jacket last night,' she smiled gently upon seeing the particle of clothing hanging neatly beside her uniform skirt. 'It's still too chilly to switch to our summer attire at school.'

She snuggled briefly beneath her comforter, its warmth affording a momentary semblance of calmness. She closed her eyes and permitted her smile to widen. She breathed in the scent of her detergent, still wondering why that particular smell always seemed to refresh her senses. After a deep, lengthy sigh and a fleeting hesitance, she shoved her blanket away, cringing at the chill in the room before jumping up and quickly pacing across the floor to grab her attire.

She hastily changed, eager to cover her exposed skin and dispel the effects of the cold. 'This time of year always makes it so difficult to go anywhere. My bed is the only warm place.' She frowned before shaking her head and clenching a fist, determined not to allow any negative thoughts into her mind. She folded her pajamas and set them aside. 'I'll have to remember to wear a warmer pair tonight. '

Grasping her brush, she looked to her mirror and began to run the soft bristles through her wave-like tresses, the few disobedient strands at once smoothing beneath her prompting. She started to gently hum, wondering absently what the theme song for her life would sound like. 'It would have to be bittersweet I suppose, but cheery also. I wonder what that combination would sound like. Does something like that even exist yet?'

She set the brush down and took in her appearance, smiling as she turned slightly to analyze her profile. Everything seemed to be in order, despite the slight lethargy that she hadn't entirely roused. As another faint muffling of thunder reached her ears, she looked to the window and allowed her eyes to examine the dreary sky. 'Looks like a storm is coming. Still a ways off though, I should be able to walk to school before it rains.' Lowering her eyes, she looked to her bed and allowed her smile to soften at what she saw there. Quickly striding her over, she bent and grasped her teddy before hugging him close. "Sorry," she stated gently. "I just jumped right out of bed without even saying good morning." Her hands fondly tightened over the plushy velvet of his body before gently returning him to his spot beside her pillow.

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