Chapter 8

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This is not my story! All credits go to The. Teal. Rose. on This story belongs solely to the author.

Chapter VIII


Am I willing to give up what I have in order to be what I am not yet? Am I able to follow the spirit of love into the desert? It is a frightening and sacred moment. There is no return. One's life is changed forever. It is the fire that gives us our shape.

-Mary Richards

Ulquiorra had returned with her meal and Inoue dutifully sat and ate as he took his usual spot on the couch. She gazed down at her empty plate for countless moments before moving to her tea and relaxing against the chair as she gazed out at the moon. She figured this was her last meal of the day, considering she had slept through both of the others.

Lost in thought, she traced many things through her mind and was relieved that she did not presently feel burdened by her reservoir of feelings.

She wondered what Ichigo and the others were up to, and if any of them had thought of her in passing. She imagined that they were all in school, or skipping class as they often did. She thought of Rukia and Tatsuki-chan eating lunch under the tree, and of the boys eating theirs atop the roof. She wondered what those boys discussed when she and the other girls were not around.

Almost chuckling to herself she imagined that they spoke of things they were afraid of admitting to girls; Such as Ichigo with his stuffed toys, or Sado-kun and his obsession with sweets.

What were Toushiro-kun, and Rangiku-san up to? She hoped they were able to figure out all that her note had informed them of.

She sighed and closed her eyes, thinking of many different memories, her most recent being prominent.

She knew her situation could have been far worse than it actually was, and she was so very grateful for how it had all turned out.

Opening her eyes and looking to her plate, she decided to let Ulquiorra know that he could take the tray and leave if he wanted.

"Hey, Ul-" she began, looking to the couch and then widening her eyes as she saw that he was lying down on his back and looking as if he had fallen asleep.

Slowly rising from her chair she walked over to him, standing over his sleeping form with a hand brought to her parted mouth.

He really was asleep, she realized, and with a sudden warmth swelling within her chest, she felt pleased that though he was an Espada, it seemed even he grew tired and needed sleep.

However, her smile faded as she observed his face and saw that it seemed troubled. His breathing also, she realized, was uneasy and she wondered if he was perhaps having a nightmare.

Deciding it would be best to wake him, she leaned forward, and reached her hand out to his shoulder, with the intent of shaking him into consciousness.

However, as his eyes flew open, Inoue immediately withdrew her hand and squeaked in surprise, "Wah! You scared me!"

She then lifted a hand to her head and smiled awkwardly, "I was going to wake you up, but you're awake. I got surprised."

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