Skipping Class

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3rd POV
Simon walked into his room and slammed the door behind him. Believe it or not The Great Simon Oliver Snow was skipping class. All because of Baz, because when Simon was mad everything was Baz's fault. Goddamn him! All fucking morning Baz couldn't keep that fucking sexy smirk off his gorgeous face and it actually was really fucking distracting. In Simons first class (of course Baz was in it too) Baz kept "accidentally" brushing his hands against Simons and sat so close to Simon that he could feel Baz shake his leg. A habit Simon's grown used to in their room and classes (he used to find it annoying and now found it adorable) but he's never been so close that he could feel it. Every since 1st year they've hated each other but since last year they started having conversations, and Simon started to not mind Baz. But the beginning of seventh year he couldn't keep Baz off his mind. Probably because they've also started an almost innocent flirting thing that Simon wanted to take too seriously. But now whenever Baz would so much as bite his lip he could feel himself getting hard. Of course Simon didn't have a grandma to think about so he'd think about ANYTHING else. So when he realized he had to see Baz again 3rd period he had to leave. "If I ever get hard in class and someone notices I'll never forgive Baz or myself" Thought Simon.
     Of course Simon was pacing while he was thinking. So he didn't notice when Baz walked in on him muttering curse words. "Hello? Snow??"
"What do you want?!" Simon pretty much yelled.
"Bloody hell. I was wondering why you missed the first half of class? Calm down!"
"Why do you care Baz?"
"Because you never EVER miss class, not even when you broke your bloody arm! So I figured whatever's bothering you must be bloody damn important!"
"It's nothing you should go back to class." Please don't leave me alone like this.. Simon thought to himself.
I don't think Baz's voice has ever sounded so soft before he said "No, you never left me. Not when you found out I was a vampire, not when I told you my father beat me because he blamed me for my mothers death. So if you think I'm leaving, you're wrong."
Tears were in Simons eyes now. Not because he was happy or sad, but because he was frustrated. Frustrated sexually and mentally.
" I- I'm sorry Baz but I don't know if I can-" A sob ripped through Simon. He couldn't hold it back, because he realized in that moment that he was falling for Tyrannus Basilton Pitch. And Crowley, was he falling hard.

Baz's POV
     I didn't know what the fuck to do. I never have had to deal with an emotional Simon before. A pissed off Simon, yes. But never a crying Simon. I was never good at helping people so I distanced myself from people so they wouldn't come crying to me. "Snow? Listen it's alright.. Whatever it is we'll figure it out." Damn how was he so damn attractive even when he was crying? I could tell whatever his problem was, it was bothering him to the point that he couldn't even talk.
"Hey, it's alright, you don't have to talk."
So I did what I thought would help. I hugged him. Hard. He was seriously shaking. I led him to my bed and sat down. Not letting go of him once. He was practically sitting in my lap by this point. I'd probably be turned on right now, but I was so worried I didn't really think about the fact that the boy I've fancied for years was sitting in my lap. Simon was quieting down by now. That when he looked into my eyes, and even though they were red and puffy, I could still get lost in those ocean blues for years.

Simon's POV
"I-I'm s-sorry I didn't mean to just... Do that.."
"Whenever you need me I'm here Snow. Don't forget that. Now what's bothering you? I can probably help"
Oh no. I can't tell him. I can't, I can't, I can't. I'm pretty sure I'm having a panic attack right now.
"I really can't tell you. You can't fix it.. No one can."
As he gave me that smirk and he said "Now where's that Watford spirit, Snow?"
"Ha-ha funny" Oh my Merlin. Please stop making me feel this way.... And please, drop the subject.
"Alright, fine. Now go get cleaned up. I already told the Mage you weren't feeling well." Thank god.
"Thanks Baz" I walked away feeling more ashamed than before but also strangely, better.

Okay, so if you've read my other stories you probably know that I suck at writing and... yes you got it! Updating. But I'm trying not to be a hypocrite and get better at writing and UPDATE! So if you do want me to update or you would like to know something just comment and I'll be happy to answer! And yes this is short but I'm tired as fuck and it was just a quickly the next one (if you want them) will be longer. Bye for now, peace✌🏼️

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2015 ⏰

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